😔Words hurt WAY more than Actions🩸(❌️Hatred/Familial🌺)

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Plot:A Human said the MEANEST thing to Screech,Which Broke his heart
Screech was going to the hallway to see his dads,Seek and Figure

"Papa,Daddy" said Screech As he ran to Seek and Figure to hug them

"Hey,Kiddo" said Seek as he picked up his son

"I'm doing good" said Screech

"Well,We have to get to our Posts, Screech" Said Figure "Have fun"

"I will" said Screech
As they went to ther posts,A human came Into the hallway,But they were not in a good mood

"Those entities better not go after me" said the human

Screech looked at the human,And chuckled

"This will be easy" said Screech As he charged at the human

The human screamed as Screech bit him

And that's when they reached their BREAKING POINT!

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" The human snapped at Screech

"I was just doing my job,Anthony!" Screech spat at the human

"Oh really,Is that all you do,Wait for humans to come so you can BITE them?!" Said the human named Anthony

"You know we hate humans!" Said Screech

"Oh yeah,Well did you know that YOU are the most "HATED" entity out of everyone in this hotel?!" Snaps Anthony

Screech paused at this "Well....Well at least I have friends, Unlike you since all of YOUR friends are DEAD now!" He yelled back


That shattered Screech's heart into pieces,And he ran off,Crying

Seek and Figure got back from killing all the humans in the library

"Boy,That was quite an adventure" said Figure

"Yeah,I hope Screech is doing okay with the humans-" Seek said

But as soon as they left the library,They saw Screech running past them,crying

"Screech?!" Seek gasped as he ran after him

Screech ran to his room and fell face flat on his bed,crying

"He's right,I AM adopted and I WAS abandoned by my parents" he sniffed

The door opened and Seek and Figure came in

"Screech,What happened?" Asked Seek

Screech didn't say anything,He hid his face in the pillow and laid there

"Honey,Please tell us what happened" Figure said

"Human..." was all that left Screech's mouth

Seek and Figure looked at each other in shock and then anger

How dare this human hurt their son!
Meanwhile with the Human:

Anthony was looking for the exit

"That was weird" Anthony said to himself "I thought entities didn't have feelings-"

Just then they were stopped by some black ink on the wall

"What is this?" He asked,Soon He was grabbed by a hand and saw Seek

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" He yelled "Aren't you supposed to be in the hallways!?"

"That doesn't matter,How dare you hurt my son!" Seek said

"Why do you care?" He asked

"Because,He lived a sad life,First,He and his sister were abandoned by their biological parents,Then they got bullied by people...LIKE YOU!!"

As soon as he said that Figure,who was behind him grabbed Anthony's head and snapped his neck
Seek and Figure came back and they see Screech sitting down

"Hey,Son" Seek said "We got rid of that pesky human who hurt you"

"Thank you dad" said Screech As Seek tucked him into bed

"Hey dads?" Screech whispered "Do you think my biological parents will come back one day?"

"Maybe someday" said Seek "But until then,We will be here to protect you"

"Thank you,dads" said Screech As Seek kissed his forehead and Figure kissed his little head and left

Screech fell asleep,hearing the same words repeating in his head

"Maybe someday"

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