pasta night

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after dealing with a bunch of rude patients all day, i wanted nothing more than to go home, shower, eat, and collapse into my bed. i was only supposed to work until 9:00pm, but i ended up having to cover for one of my coworkers and stayed at work until 2:00am. when i got back to me and chris' apartment all of the lights were off and i heard nothing, so i assumed he was really tired and went to bed. this was early for him. i set my keys down, slipped off my shoes, and took my hair down. i was so exhausted. i took a quick shower and in the process of washing my hair, i dropped the shampoo and the soap bar. i turned the faucet off for a split second to make sure i didn't wake chris. nothing. so i turned it back on and continued my shower. when i got out and got dressed, i had no desire to cook for myself. i was starving but i could barely keep my eyes open. as i made my way back down to the kitchen, i typed "simple quick dinners" into my phone. all the results were different kinds of salads. i couldn't find any hot meals. i sighed as i swiped a bowl from the cabinet and tongs from the drawers. as i was scrolling through the ingredients i felt a delicate pair of arms wrap around my waist. i turned my head slightly to see chris. "you're home late today. what happened?" he asked with his chest pressed against my back as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "nothing. just someone called out of work again. i had to cover for them." "you look exhausted" chris smiled groggily tilting his head on my shoulder. "i am. did you just wake up? i didn't hear you when i came in?" I questioned. "yeah i kept hearing banging noises in the bathroom" "yeah, i figured" i sighed. chris squinted, attempting to read my phone. he reached over my shoulder from behind, bringing my phone closer to him. "you haven't had any real food all day and you're gonna make a salad?" he chuckled. "it's fast and easy" "how about i make you a nice warm dinner?" he asked softly, massaging my shoulders from behind. "really?" "yeah, i got it. go sit down." his hands leave my waist and point me in the direction of the living room. as i make my way to the couch, i see chris pulling out a pot. while i wait for chris to finish up dinner, i cover myself up with a blanket and lay my head on the left end of the couch. "ok dinners ready" chris scoops some pasta into a bowl and brings it to me on the couch. "smells good" i prepare myself a bite. "what's in this? it's actually really good." "i added garlic powder and tomatoes this time" chris beamed. as i finished my food, chris took time to tidy up the kitchen and do few dishes in the sink. a couple minutes later, he sets the rag down and walks over to me planting a delicate kiss on my cheek and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. as he made his way to the stairs, he briefly paused. "are you coming up to bed soon?" he turned to me. "yeah, i'm almost done" i muffled with a face full of pasta. "okay" he continued up the stairs. when i finished, i placed my empty bowl on the kitchen counter and headed up to our room. the lights were already off. chris rolled off of his stomach to face me standing in the doorway. chris put an arm slightly in the air, signaling me over. i gently shut the door and smoothly slid into his arms.  his chest to my back. "thank you for making me dinner" i said softly, holding chris' hand. "of course" he whispered. a few moments of silence went by. "can we play rain sounds on the tv? it helps me sleep." chris handed me the remote from behind him and watched me pick a youtube video. "goodnight" chris murmured. "goodnight love you" "i love you too" he replied. i rubbed my thumb across his hand back and forth for a couple minutes before we both fell asleep.

 i rubbed my thumb across his hand back and forth for a couple minutes before we both fell asleep

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that was the first chapter! lmk what u thought and if u have any requests :)

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