Catching Up

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Catching Up

ASH paced back and forth and forth and back. Noivern and Pikachu got dizzy just watching him. Ash didn't know it was possible to be both excited and depressed at the same time. On one hand, happy that Misty is in love with him; on the other, really upset with himself.

"I know now, I know now, I know now!" he muttered to himself. "Yet it still feels like I'm if I haven't earned it..."

That night he couldn't sleep a wink.


He knew it was a bad habit but once more obsessively working became his escape. He understood Pokémon best, they never left him unable to speak. Whether it was the wild ones he and Goh would encounter, or settling disputes inside Professor Cerise's nature dome, Ash Ketchum knew and related to Pokémon the best.

Yet when it came to notable 'romantic tension' in the dome, it became clear to Ash that even Pokémon seemed more put together than him with their feelings. He knew how Misty feels, he could tell how he feels, but he couldn't say the words, even behind the security of texting her...

It was odd and he hated it. Nearly a month went by and he remained in emotional limbo.

One day Ash and Goh were sent to Pewter City to look at some Pokémon Fossils and the research being done on them. Ash couldn't really say he was excited, but there was no way he'd—



"Whoa, WHAT?!" yelled Ash.

"Wow! A Seviper! And a Swinub too!" Goh immediately went for his Pokedex and logged the Pokémon. Feeling déjà vu and knowing Goh didn't have the same experiences that he did, Ash instinctively reached for his belt but-

"Wait, Ash Ketchum, right?" The boy in question looked up and was greeted by a familiar face. "Hi. Remember me, Lucy?"

Strangely the thought of 'Brock's fiancé' was the first connection Ash made instead of being the Frontier Brain of the Battle Pike. "O-oh, Lucy... Yes, I remember you."

"Good," she said. "Seviper, back into your ball." She did so before Lucy picked her Swinub up. "Terribly sorry about that, Seviper's in a fussy mood. I imagine it's because today they're getting looked at by Brock."

"Ah, yeah. I totally get it," said Ash, shoving down any uncomfortable feelings that were rising. "My Pokémon back in the day always looked forward to it too. How is he?"

"You can ask him yourself. I'm on my way to meet him. This way."

Propelled by being given an order, Ash followed her with Goh behind.

"Brock... Brock..." mumbled Goh. "Wasn't he one of the longest of your friends to travel with ya?"

"Yeah, me and Brocko go way back," said Ash proudly. "Then he left to become a full-on Pokémon Doctor."

"Oh! And how's that going?"

"Er...last I checked he was going from Center to Center. I believe he was at Oreburgh in Sinnoh a while back," began Ash.

"Right now, he's on the last bit of onsite training and practice at Centers and wants to open a clinic soon," explained Lucy. "Though recently he's had a hankering for cooking again; he just had spell at a diner which has reignited his passion for the kitchen."

"Oh? Very nice," said Goh.

"That's cool! Brock's always been an amazing cook," added Ash. "His stews are awesome."

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