Chapter 4

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We left the building of the school without any further problems. Fortunately all other doors we encountered were double doors.

"S-So where are we gonna go now?" Annie asked nervously.

"I don't really know... I'm new in town and I don't really know where to go... I believe in your judgment."

"I-I think I know just the place."

We arrived to our destination, the all-you-can-eat buffet. "I'm so glad we're here. I-I haven't eaten in like forever!" Annie exclaimed happily.

I stared at her in disbelief. Out of politeness, I didn't say anything about the fact that she ate less than 10 minutes ago.

"Sooo, you come here often?" I asked innocently.

"I-I come here almost every day. It's the cheapest option. I-I'm quite an eater, y-you know?"

"You don't say. Really?"

We paid and filled our plates. Well, I had a reasonable portion, but Annie redefined the meaning of the phrase 'full plate' for me. It appeared physically impossible to stack such a large amount of food, without dropping anything. It turned out that Annie's size brought some more troubles than the buffet was ready for. She eventually found a way to squeeze into the booth. She occupied a whole bench all by herself, even though it was made for four people to sit on. The bench let out unhealthy creak, but stayed intact.

Somehow she managed to push her gargantuan gut underneath the desk of the table, but her immense knockers covered almost the entire surface of the table. Obviously she was used to such obstacles and laid her plate on her bosom without hesitation and used it as a table. I looked across the table into her unbelievably beautiful blue eyes noticing that seated down, her head was actually higher than mine, due to all the extra padding on her posterior.

Annie wiped the plate clean within mere seconds. I was so amazed by the display that I barely touched the content of my own plate. She gave my plate a hungry gaze.

"A-Are you gonna finish that?"

I carefully put the plate on her breast-table making sure not to touch the soft flesh. That would be rude, wouldn't it?

"I'm gonna head for something, you want something?"

"Sure." She mumbled with her mouth full.

"Alright, what should I get you?"


Another plate was added to the stack of empty plates. I quickly counted them. Ten full plates! I can't believe it. How is she doing that? And why is it so damn hot?!

"So, why didn't you go to that summer camp all those years ago?" I asked after a lot of consideration.

"I-I" she started blushing in embarrassment, before motioning towards her body. "Because of this."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I don't know where to begin." She let out a sigh. "I-I have this condition."

"What condition?"

She blushed even more. "I-I am ravenous. L-Like all the time. And it's not like I'm just hungry it's something else... I simply need to eat. I can stop only when I'm full to the brim. A-And as I grow larger it only means I need more and more food to satisfy me. Because of that I keep gaining so much weight. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with me."

"You still could go to camp..."

"I-I gained like 90 pounds during that one year and e-everyone in school made fun of me. I was so afraid you would too, I-I couldn't go to the camp. I-I was so was ashamed of what I looked like... I-I could deal with other people, but it would have killed me if you would make fun of me as well..."

I looked straight into the beautiful oceans that were her eyes. "There is no way I would ever make fun of you. You were the most beautiful girl I knew when we were little and even today you still are the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on. There's just... a little more of you to admire." I smiled at her reassuringly.

Her full lips twisted into a bright smile that I remembered so well and her eyes were glowing with tears. "T-Thank you, I-I'm so glad I met you again." She blushed slightly.

We were looking into each other's eyes cherishing our reunion. Suddenly a thunderous growl sounded from her stomach. Blood rushed to her cheeks once again. "C-Could you bring me more food please?"

Annie wiped clean yet another plate and then burped loudly. She looked at me, blushing. "I-I'm so sorry that I'm such a disgusting pig." She said with a concern in her voice.

"Don't say such things about yourself. You're so beautiful. If you could only see yourself the way I see you... I-I'm not good at this talking part, but... I loved you ever since I first saw you and nothing changed in how I feel about you. I've been thinking about you all those years and now... It's happiest day of my life." Now it was my turn to blush. "Would you be my girlfriend?" My heart was racing as I waited for her reply.

"W-Why would you want to date ugly fat cow like me?" She asked staring at me in disbelief.

I stood up and started to walk closer to her. "Stop doubting yourself. You are gorgeous." I wanted to kiss her, but as I got closer I suddenly tripped over something very large and heavy that could be nothing else than her ginormous paunch. I lost my footing and fell head first onto Annie's monumental jugs. My face sunk into the soft tissue. This must be what heaven feels like.

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