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3 months later


"It's exactly three months since my baby girl died, I couldn't even attend her funeral, I was very sick, I couldn't even move." cry my ass, oh please spare me all this crap, of course she is like this because it's MICHELLE, am sure if I were the one who died, she wouldn't be this way. Let alone fall sick on my demise.

"Mum please try and eat something, you haven't eaten for days now, please mum, I beg you, how do you want me to cope mum, please help me too, I miss her everyday, but I just want to be strong for you and for myself"

"I still can't believe she had poisoned my food, I love my baby girl so much"


I will soon get what I want anyway.


"Baby, let's give her 2months, then I will bring you up with her, by then am sure the death of Michelle won't hurt as much, she will really need someone to be there for her" Oh gosh, I can't believe this plan is working faster than I imagined.

"I still don't know the kind of heart you possess inside you. Your sister died and you aren't even feeling it, what is happening with you? are you this heartless?. Actually I have been thinking, and be very honest with me right now, did you uhm- poison that food? I have been trying to understand how all of that happened, you and I know that Michelle can never poison any food, let alone her mother's food"

"I had absolutely nothing to do with that, I know I saw her put something inside mum's food, but no one ever believes me, you all see me as evil, but I am not. I love my sister alot too, even I couldn't believe it. She wanted to get rid of mum so bad. I didn't even suspect anything until I caught her put something inside mum's food. but whatever has happened, has happened" am really tired of all these people, Michelle is just stupid for eating a poisoned food, like really? what was she thinking? where was her senses? Am I supposed to feel bad? I didn't want anyone to eat that food. But of course she has to prove her innocence, now look where it landed her, six feet underground.

Definitely not my fault. People should be wise and smart.

"no problem, until then please, let's continue distancing ourselves from each other because honestly I wouldn't like us to get caught, this whole thing will mess with my life completely, so please let's be very careful, okay?" very good.

I have to meet someone right away.

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