It was just a normal day in life for me. I was walking a long the street, while I was I started to hear this interesting sound. I started to walk towards it and this blue, tall, police phone box was there. That box was making the noise that I heard. A man with a brown type of color coat walked out of the box. He started to talk to me. He said "Oh hi sorry you caught me off guard." I replied with "Hi umm....who are you?" I asked wondering where this man came from and what he's doing here. He answered with " I'm the Doctor!" When he said that I started to ask my self "Did he just call himself the doctor?" I asked him "What do you mean by the doctor? Are you a medical doctor?" He said "I'm just the doctor." I didn't know what to say to him after he said that. "What's with the phone box?" I asked him slightly stuttering.
"It's called a TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension In Space." He replied. "Doctor if I can call you that, what does the Tardis do?" I asked him. He paused for a moment. "Don't you have some where to be?" He said trying to avoid the question. "Doctor answer my question." I demand. He grabbed my shoulders and said "I am a Time Lord, I'm not human, and the Tardis travels through time and space." I was stunned for a moment. Suddenly a sound of destruction started. "Quick get in the Tardis, the Zygons are coming!" He said sounding slightly scared.
"Zygons? What are Zygons?!" I asked scared and curious. "I'll explain later just get in!" He replied while pushing me into the Tardis. When I was in the Tardis it was bigger on the inside. "'s bigger on the inside." I said. The Doctor began pulling levers and pushing buttons. "What's your name?" He asked me. "My name is Seth Hanmiths." I replied. "Well Seth get ready!" He said with excitement. "Ready? Ready for what?" The Tardis started to make noise and the floor started to shake.