i wish u were homosexual 😞

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Dark circles trace underneath my eyes, another day, another not-so slay. Restless nights feel longer, sleep feels short, and my thoughts overwhelm, consuming me into darkness.

I look out the curtains, seeing the blaring sun completely demolish my eyesight, wonderful. I grab my glasses, slowly putting them onto my face. I look to the side, the cracked mirror, covered in notes, faces back at me. I quickly turn away, just looking at myself for a second really ruins the mood.

I fall back onto my bed, opening my phone to see him. His gorgeous blonde hair, his bright smile, his blue eyes full of passion. The most bold and funniest guy ever. I, of course, cheesily smile.

:| <3 <—— (fyi this is dev)
„WAKE UP!!!!"

The notifications instantly take me out of my thumbs about to force me to doom scroll. Instantly tapping the message, I look at the 10 others waiting for me to see.

<D> „Asshole, I saw you read my message :/"

<K> „ I just woke up >:("


<K> „Seriously!:?!: i just woek up!!!"

"Uggggggghhhh" I sigh and type a quick message,

<K> „m gonnaa showr, ill brb >:("

<D> „mhm, have fun princess :p"

Admittedly, I blush a little. I wish he knew how much calling me 'princess' does. Stupid. I throw my phone on my desk, grabbing a towel, and open my creaky door. Walking into the empty hallway with sad, beige paint.. It could be better.

I walk into the bathroom, turning on the light and then immediately turning the shower on, and quickly stripping myself of the former clothes I worn, leaving my glasses on the counter.

I stare at the face in front of me, my least favorite place is where there are unbroken mirrors. My body with scars, random bruises, and the acne spreaded on my face immediately catch my eye. I turn the light off, as per usual. This shower might end up quick. I feel my heart to calm down and slowly insert myself behind the curtains.

At this point I've mastered the shower. Wanting to make this as clean and quick as possible, I fill my thoughts of my next email to Mojang about whales. I snicker on what to say and think of how hundreds of developers have made whales, but Mojang can't. Seriously!? People who don't even get paid to mod could do this.. a BOT could.

At this point, I'm finished. I turn the shower off and reach for my towel, grabbing it to cover my body. Feeling safe from all the reflections, I grab my glasses and dash out the door, escaping to my room.

I think of him as I start to dry off, reminding myself of his stern yet silly voice, his laughter when I do something hilarious. Everytime I make him laugh, the thought of Mojang adding whales is increased.

Putting my clothes on and opening my computer, I notice the millions of messages in the group chat. Pinging me, ready to record, asking for server ips blahblahblah..

The pre-record call starts, I sigh and press enter call.

"—UPID FUCK!!" An immediate yell.

"WHAT DO YOU LITERALLY MEANNN??" Boosfer yells back at Dev.


"Umm.. sure yeah!! I agree!" I say, laughing and Boosfers yelling.

insert compilation of arguing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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