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Isla spread around herself in a vast ocean of adipose.

She reclined in a large room. Under her, a sturdy, plastic tarp covered over a landscape of cushions. Morning sunlight cast its yellow rays through the windows and onto lilac walls. She admired the way it caught on her fair skin and brunette hair.

Isla's feet bloated with pudge. The pads of her feet bulged into her toes, which bulged into each other. Her calves padded her ankles in billowing pouches. At a distance, her calves drew wide, arcing curves, but up close, they squiggled cutely with small, faint dimples. Her thighs billowed farther, pushing her legs apart with dense adipose. Deep under her stomach, her massive thighs smooshed her huge mound. She hadn't seen it in years, but between her thighs and stomach, she could feel how big it was. Her legs' gradual slopes ebbed out from her sides and creased sharply into her dense hips. Her butt peaked at her lower back, nudging her love handles, and poured backwards about as far as her arms could reach. Its underside folded inward from the tight packing of its fat.

Her waist extended a fluffy roll atop her hips, draping over it like a dainty skirt. In soft, rolling curves, it blanketed her legs and stopped halfway down her calves. Her broad underbelly, though warm and heavy, stayed dry and fluffy. Isla owed that to Nathan. From her lowest roll, another roll sat on top, which spanned just to the tips of her pudgy little fingers. There, she could barely stroke her deep, cavernous navel. Another two rolls propped on that one, one on either side of her rotund belly. They were like flaps or wings of fat.

Nathan currently applied body powder under her left belly wing. His gentle touch soothed her.

Isla's breasts gushed under her armpits, joining her sides as yet another roll on her waist. Their fat, dense and heavy, laid past her belly wings. They overlooked the sides of her stomach with smooth arcs and peaked with gentle hills. They were probably the roundest parts of her, with gradual, undimpled curves. Their engorged nipples poked into the air.

At her back, she could feel three strata of fat kiss each other. Her love handles cushioned her lower back, below a middle pair of rolls, and topped by the flab over her shoulder blades. Her biceps spread in thick pancakes of pudge over her sideboobs, and they pursed into creases over her pillowy forearms. Her forearms fluffed over her wrists similarly, leading down to her puffy hands.

As she looked down at Nathan, the rolls under her chin bunched together. Her smiling cheeks pushed up into her vision.

Nathan knelt next to her on the tarp. His naked, slim physique conveyed an elegant masculinity. Between his legs, his manly length rested flaccid against his stones. As he lifted her belly wing, his arm flexed what little muscle he possessed. He gripped her wing with gentle fingers widely splayed. His sharp chin contrasted his soft smile. Jet black hair fluffed from his scalp.

Isla's heart fluttered at the sight of him. Ambivalent feelings of appreciation and anxiety swirled together. "Do you still love me?" Despite her heft, her words still came out high and mousey.

He looked up, and his expression drooped. His voice was warm and soft. "Huh? Of course I do!"

Isla drew her hands up to her chest, squishing her forearms into her biceps. "I'm not too big for you?"

Nathan put an open palm to her stomach and massaged in long strokes. His subtle press reassured her. "Nah. I love taking care of you. After a long day of work, our time together is relaxing. What about you, though? Do you think you're too big?"

She giggled sheepishly. She was still embarrassed to admit how she felt about her weight. "I... like how I am." She caressed her breasts, running her pudgy fingers across her plush bosom. She felt surrounded in softness. "It's so peaceful."

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