moving forward

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Everyday type started to get better, he made sure to eat every day, exercise and take care of himself, he didn't have any communication with his sister for two weeks.
To his office, tharn made a hard face has he was on the phone with the Doctors to then move the phone down to place to his desk to sign, he then jumped a bit has type, very quietly had gone about to wrap his arms about tharn to then eye over him.
"What is....."
Tharn smiled to move up his hands to place over types arms.
"Nothing. You scared me. Interesting."
Type couldn't help but to smile back to then place his mouth to his fur a very sweet kiss, he then took his mouth away to move up to continue to eye over tharn.
"So did you...."
"I did, had that completed hours ago.'
"Good, you also have to go to....."
"I know type."
Type shrugged, he then placed his hands to tharns chair to move it back to go about to sit on him to wrap his arms about.
"Just doing my job."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"It's that all I am to you?" Tharn Asked has he wrapped his arms about him.
Type rolled his eyes.
"Well, I don't know, do I see a ring on this finger?"
Tharn narrowed his eyes, for the last week, type was talking about marriage, this was not his normal.
"Ring or not, your mine type, all of you is mine."
Tharn then moved them up, for them to lay there mouths to the other to start to kiss, for tharn to then place type to his desk, to move his hands to types chest to start to move about sensually, to then start to unbutton his shirt, has they started to swirl there tongues about the other, type then moved his hands down to tharns chest to start to unbutton, tharn then opened his eyes to peer them to the side has his phone started to go off, tharn took his tongue back to move up to try to reach for it for type to grab his wrist for the two to eye the other.
"You will regret answering that."
Tharn looked over a very serious type to then smile and wide, type couldn't help but to smile also to then move up to place his free hand to tharns neck to pull him down for them to go into a very impressive kiss.
Later, type was bent over the desk, with his pants and boxers to be about his ankles, for tharn to be ramming himself in, to dart his eyes to the side to eye over his phone, he was very curious on who called him, feeling tharn slow, type signed to then move up to turn his head to look over him.
Tharn then looked back to type to narrow his eyes to then place his hand to his head to push him down to go back into penetrating him and deep to bend his body to go closer to types ear.
"I get distracted for a moment, you act like that. So horny for my dick." Tharn lightly chuckled.
Type flexed his fingers to the desk has he moaned to then peer his eyes to tharn .
"Mm.....I don't want a distracted lover! Faaa! So deep!"
Tharn smiled to then wrap his hand to types throat to move him back for the two to move there bodies with the other for type to turn his neck for the two to be kissing deeply.
After, the two fixed themselves, for type to turn to see tharn sitting down to be eyeing over his phone, type rolled his eyes.
"Can see what is more important to you."
Tharn signed to then turn in his chair to eye over type.
"Would you like to know about your nephew?"
Types eyes widened a bit to then turn his head up start to leave.
Tharn signed.
"Immaturity is not cute type."
Type signed has he was to the doors he opened to then turn to eye over tharn.
"Until you place a ring to this finger, become a real member of my family, I suggest you drop it and stop interfering!"
Type then turned to leave to slam the doors.
Tharn narrowed his eyes to shake his head to wrap his arms about himself.
Well, at least he is out of bed and eating.....
Tharn signed to then eye over his phone has he received the latest update over him, which wasn't good, the baby had slipped into a coma. Even with the Doctors tharn sent, it didn't seem to make much difference.
Tharn then placed the phone down to go and talk to type.
Tharn had to go to a few places, to then find type in the library, for him to be sitting down in one of the chairs to have his hands over his mouth to be looking forward, tharn then went about to eye over him.
Type signed to then move back to keep his eyes forward, he then turned his head to look to tharn.
"You live for me, isn't that right tharn?"
Tharn really looked over type to nod.
"Yes, why are you...."
Type took in a very deep breathe.
"Then why haven't you've asked to marry me?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Why are you suddenly so fixated on this?"
Type looked over tharn to then turn his head to look to the wall.
"Feel like I'm just your personal slut."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You know that's not true."
Type then looked back to tharn .
"Then why no ring?"
"Well, first you are not suppose to be asking, second I chose when to propose, third we have only been really seeing the other for a short time, I do not rush a thing."
Types eyes narrowed to then stand up.
"Uh huh."
Tharn looked to type confused to watch him leave.
What the hell is going on with you type! Fucking irritating!
Tharn rolled his eyes to give type some space.

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