Guess who!

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"Meep meep meep meep meep meeeeep" i hear a high pitched voice.

I blink my eyes open to see Katy onto of me poking my stomach. "Ugh get off!" I grumble. "Its the first day of college! Arent you excited?" She narrows her eyebrows at me playfully. "No." I sit up making her get off of me. She stands up on the side of my bed, "well thats too bad." She puts her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes and i get out of my bed. She pushes me into the my bathroom, "get ready" she says before walking out and closing the door.

I hear her leave the room, i hop into the shower.

Last class of the day, history of art. I sigh as i walk into the class. Theres only about 30 people in this class. As i'm looking for a seat i lock eyes with a man, he looks like he's a sophomore. I walk over to him, "is this seat taken?" I point to the empty seat next to him with a soft smile. He shakes his head. I take the seat, i put my backpack down. I glance over at him, he's gorgeous, he has black cornrows, with a black lip piercing, and baggy clothing. I then look in front of me. I can feel his eyes stabbing into the back of my head. I then turn my head full to look at him, "do you need something?" I ask nervously. He smiles softly and shakes his head, "your just very pretty."

Pretty? Me? Never. I'm a basic brunette with no sense of style, i'm just wearing plain skinny jeans with a crop top. "Oh thank you." I smile, i can feel my face get a little hot. "What's your name?" He scoots his chair in so he can get a better look at me. "My name is Adaline, what's yours?"

"Tom, tom kaulitz." He smirks. I nod my head.

"Do you live around here?" Tom asks. "I live in a sorority"

He nods his head, "which one?" He grabs out a pen and a little notebook. Before i could answer he writes down my name. "What are you doing?"

He points his pen toward the projector. "Adaline kent" he mumbles. I look at the screen, then at the note book. "Oh" i mumble. I pull out my notebook and a pencil and i start to write down things.

After class its dark, very dark. I walk to my sorority alone, my arms folded across my chest. I hear footsteps behind me, i turn my head around. A tall figure with their head down dressed in all black. I turn my head back around not thinking anything of it. I finally reach the sorority. Before i go in a feel a tap on my shoulder, i turn around. The dark figure from earlier towers over me. They pull something out of their pocket, "here"
I look down. A pencil. My pencil. "You forgot this." His voice sounds like the one from earlier. "Oh thank you, tom?" I smile. He nods his head. I turn back around and i walk into the house. I kick my shoes off and i throw my backpack onto the floor. I walk upstairs into my bedroom. I lay down on my bed, i feel my body get drowsy. My eyes shut by themselves and i fall asleep.

I shoot up as a loud scream comes from downstairs. I rush down the stairs "what's going on?!" I yell. As i'm halfway down the stairs, i see a tall figure standing over someones body. Someone comes out from the kitchen and flickers on the foyer lights. Its Caroline the president of the sorority, a kitchen knife in her hand. "Caroline whats going on?" I ask nervously. She glances up at me, fear in her eyes. I look back down at the figure who's now staring at me. Its the guy, from earlier. Tom.
"Katy?!" I gasp. Shes covered in blood, her neck sliced open, her eyes gauged out. Blood coming from out of her mouth. "Ah, Adaline, i was looking for you!" Tom smirks. I freeze in shock, my heart pounding in my chest. "Wh-what did you do?" I stammer, my eyes wide with horror. He walks over to Caroline. "Give me the knife princess" he asks calmly. She looks up at me, her eyes water as she hands over the knife.  Tom takes the knife, his grin widening as he advances toward me. The room feels suffocating, Caroline, trembling, whispers, "I'm sorry, Adaline." before Tom slashes the knife across her throat. Blood spurts out, staining the floor as Caroline collapses, gasping for breath. I run back stairs, he chases me. I go into my room locking the door behind me, i open the window, but before i can crawl out tom barges into my room and pulls my hair roughly making me fall onto the floor. He drags me downstairs by my hair, the blood on his hands stains my hair like hair dye. As he's pulling me towards the back door i punch the back of his knee, making him howl in pain and he lets go of my hand. I run over to Caroline who's some how still alive. I grab her ankles and i pull her towards the front door, "dont die on me!" I yell, tears fall down my face. I pull her, and pull, and pull, and pull. I feel her legs go limp in my hands. I let go of her, my cries fill up the house. I fall onto my knees, knowing theres no hope anymore. A shadow casts above me, i look up to see toms blood stained face, the knife still in his hand.

"Just kill me already!" I whine.

"I'm not gonna kill you, adaline," he pulls out a pill from his pocket "take this, and maybe i wont kill you." He chuckles. I take the pill out of his hand, and i place it in my mouth. I swallow. As the pill slides down my throat, a wave of dizziness hits me. Tom smirks, "Good girl," he says, and I feel the room spinning. My limbs go heavy, and I collapse to the floor. I feel my body go numb, paralyzed. Tom then picks me up and takes me outside. The blood on his hands warms my skin.

He places me into the backseat of his car gently. He closes the door and gets inside the drivers seat. The car engine roars to life, and Tom starts driving into the night. My vision blurs, and I drift into a hazy half-conscious state.

The world feels distorted, like a nightmare I can't wake up from.

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