7 | ꜰʀᴏʟɪᴄ ɪɴ ʙʀɪɴᴇ

951 38 4

After a long school day, you and Leyley met up with Andy. Leyley was not happy and had a sour expression on her face. _____ had told her she had a crush on her brother.

"_____ said she likes you.", was the first thing she told Andy.


"My friend from school. Or at least I thought she was a friend. So, are you going to be her boyfriend?", her question sounded very passive agressive.

You couldn't quite understand why Leyley was so upset. You hadn't any siblings, so you couldn't understand why she acted like this.

"Gross! No.", Andy answered which made Leyley chuckle.

"Hahaha! I should teach her a lesson! You are my brother! Mine!", she yelled while grabbing your arm and pulling you closer to her which startled you.

"She even wanted to go play alone with (Y/N)! I'll make her think twice before stealing from another woman!", she declared proudly.

"But...I didn't mind...", you started but Leyley interrupted you. "Yes, you did!"

"...Oh yeah, you're a girl too.", Andy interviewned.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Hahaha! Somehow you don't count as a lady in my mind! Or as a person for that matter."

"Screeeeeeeew you. I am the most person-est lady in the world! So anyway, I'm going to take her to that old warehouse and lock her in one of the crates."

"Yeah, yeah..."


"Mom gave me some money to go buy groceries. Are two coming with me?", the little boy asked both of you.

You wanted to say something but Leyley interrupted you again.

"Focus, Andy! Let's leave her sitting there all night, that'll teach her!"

".....Let's not.", Andy sighted. "Yes, Leyley. Isn't this a little bit extreme?", you asked her, but she ignored you.

"Hehee! You both should go and ask her to hang out, she won't say no then!"

"Leyley I don't...want too."

"Just go over and ask her to come with you. Take her to the warehouse and we'll see what happens!


"Mom said you'd help me with anything!"

"I thought she was your friend?"

"Yeah, why would you want that for ____?", you chimed in. "Besides it was not like she held me on gunpoint when she asked to hang out with me. In fact, I would have gladly accepted...you could have played too.."

"But (Y/N)!", Leyley suddenly yelled and let go off your arm. "You promised me! You promised that'll you'll be my friend! Don't you want to be my friend anymore?"

𝙏𝙖𝙧 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙨 ||  Ashley x female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now