Part 1

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This takes place on pomni's second night, but on her first night she had an accident and Jax somehow found out so now he is gonna force and blackmail Pomni to wear diapers-

Btw! This contains bedwetting, and diaper punishment along with Pomni basically being abused by Jax but he doesn't realize.

Pomni's POV:

This is my second night here, I'm still nervous. Jax also found out about my accident, I didn't even think he could get into my room. The fact that he can makes me even more scared. I do remember him saying he had a "surprise" for me. I am worried and confused of what that may be...

Time skip-

No POV--

"Hey, Pomni" Jax says as he slowly enters Pomni's room. Pomni gets startled and emeidietly turned to him "D-Dont scare me please..." Pomni says as light tears form in her eyes.

"Sorry; Anyways, Pomni Since you have been pissing yourself like a toddler, well... I'm gonna treat you like one." Jack replied

"WH-WHAT!?" Pomni says shocked

"anyways, so pom-Pom here are ur rul-" Jax was saying until he was cut off

"NO!! JAX! I'M 22!! I DON'T NEED TO BE FUCKING TAKEN CARE OF LIKE A BABY!!" Pomni said started to get very frustrated and embarrassed.

"Hey! One of your rules is you are not aloud to interrupt me!" Jax said

"Jax, I'm an adult... I don't need to be taken care of like a 2 year old!!" Pomni said on the verge of crying.

Jax could tell that pomni was about to cry so he replied with some pretty good reasons

"Alright... Listen, you wet yourself, and you literally cry like all of the time! So yea, you need to be taken care of"

"Well, you can't force me to do anyth-"

"Actually Pomni, I can" Jax cuts off pomni.

"How do expect to do that?" Pomni replies.

"Well... I can tell caine... And if he knows that you still wet your bed then he will force you to wear diapers and he will also tell everyone else" Jax replies

"P-Please... Don't do that!!" Pomni says on the verge of crying

"Haha! Look at yourself! You are crying again" Jax says

At this point pomni was crying as she felt hurt.

"Now Pomni, come on. It's late and Babies need to sleep early"

Pomni didn't put up a fight since she kinda did want to sleep.

The first thing Jax did before he got pomni ready for bed he explained the rules that pomni would need to follow

"Alright, rule 1, You need to wear diapers to bed, babies that still wet themselves need diapers. Rule 2, you may not Ingerupt me. And lastly, rule 3, you will listen to me always or else I am going to tell caine about your accidents" Jax says all of this to Pomni, which she barley heard any of it since she was exhausted.

Jax put his arms around Pomni and picked her up, he could do this without any issue since pomni is very light. He lays her down onto her bed and begins to change her into a diaper. Pomni was very uncomfortable with Jax changing her but she couldn't put up a fight.

After Pomni was changed into a diaper Jax put her into a onsie which pomni did find comfortable. He also put a blue and red paci in pomni's mouth

"There! All finished. Jax said to Pomni. He was about to leave the room when he heard Pomni whimper, she signaled Jax to stay with her so he did-

Part 2 coming soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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