Chapter 1

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It was a lively night with [Y/N] and her friends, laughter and cheers filling the air in the nearly empty karaoke bar late into the night, a celebration of reaching senior year. With a slightly slurred speech, Chaewon raised her cup, toasting, "Cheers to us!" The inebriated revelry continued, but [Y/N] observed from a sober perspective.

Yunjin marveled, downing her beer, "Graduating this year is surreal." The group, though singing poorly, continued their lively chatter. [Y/N] chuckled at her friends' antics, finding joy in their company.

As Sakura noted, "We should go home; it's late." Glancing out the window, the reality of the hour sank in—the stores were shuttered, darkness cloaked the streets, and only neon signs painted a glow. Yunjin added, "...right, we should go; my parents are gonna worry."


Exiting the karaoke bar, all the girls wore smiles as they bid each other farewell. Eunchae, with a cheerful wave, said, "Bye, guys!"

Reciprocating the farewells, the girls dispersed in different directions. Yunjin, recognizing their proximity as neighbors, linked her arm with [Y/N], planning to share a cab.

In the chilly and fog-laden night, both girls shivered, particularly [Y/N], clad in a thin top and skirt. Feeling the cold bite, she huddled against the chill.

"Hey, [Y/N], mind waiting here for a moment?" Yunjin suddenly interjected near the bathroom. "I need to use it," she sighed.

"Of course," [Y/N] replied, observing as Yunjin hurried towards the bathroom, the effects of the beer evident in her hasty steps.

Consulting her phone for the cab's arrival time, [Y/N] discovered there were still 20 minutes left. A prolonged wait lay ahead, and as she sighed, she surveyed the desolate streets, arms crossed.

From a distance, the unsettling sounds of a heated argument reached [Y/N]'s ears, accompanied by the ominous thuds of physical confrontation. Nervously, she wished for Yunjin's swift return.

Curiosity getting the better of her, [Y/N] peeked around the corner, revealing two men assaulting an already unconscious figure. Straining her memory, she recognized him—Sunghoon, a fellow schoolmate with whom she had never interacted. The disturbing scene unfolded, leaving her in shock.

Frantically contemplating her options, fear gripping her, [Y/N] hesitated to approach the volatile scene. The two men seemed poised to fatally harm Sunghoon, and she couldn't stand idly by.

As the two men finally departed, leaving Sunghoon battered, [Y/N] winced at the merciless kick delivered to his stomach. Seizing the moment, she hurried toward him, ensuring the departing men wouldn't notice her.

Reaching Sunghoon's side, she encountered a disheveled figure—hair unkempt, clothing in disarray, and a bleeding nose. Slumped against the wall, his face obscured, the glow of a distant advertisement cast an eerie purple light, just enough for [Y/N] to discern his battered appearance.

Determined to gauge his condition, she checked his pulse, relieved to find signs of life.

Contemplating dialing for an ambulance, [Y/N] was taken aback as Sunghoon weakly uttered, "Save your call."

Surprised, she inquired, "What do you mean, save—"

A brief fit of coughing, accompanied by the unsettling sight of blood, interrupted Sunghoon. "No need for an ambulance. Trust me, I've been through worse."

A skeptical gaze fixed upon him, [Y/N] insisted, "But... you—"

An almost irritated expression crossed Sunghoon's face as he grunted, pushing himself to stand while relying on the wall for support. "Just forget about this and go."

Silenced by his stern demeanor, [Y/N] reluctantly retreated to her previous position, stealing a glance back only to find Sunghoon had vanished.

Fortuitously, the cab pulled up just as Yunjin exited the bathroom.


A beaming [Y/N] took the stage, the principal affixing the "STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT" badge. The headmaster shared the news, "Pleased to introduce Kang [Y/N], our dedicated champion and top student, as the student council president this year. Congratulations!"

Cheers and applause filled the auditorium, with friends enthusiastically calling out her name in genuine excitement.

As the applause subsided, the headmaster stepped forward, offering [Y/N] the chance to address the gathered audience. The microphone in hand, she felt a mix of nervousness and excitement but took a deep breath.

"Thank you so much for this incredible honor," [Y/N] began, her voice resonating through the auditorium. "I am truly humbled to be standing here as your Student Council President. This isn't just my journey; it's ours. Together, we'll shape a school experience that reflects each and every one of us.

I encourage you to share your thoughts, dreams, and concerns. Let's make our voices heard, ensuring that the changes we bring are a collective effort. I believe in the strength of our unity and the power of our ideas to create a school environment we can all be proud of.

Thank you for your support, and here's to a fantastic year ahead!" [Y/N] concluded.

The auditorium resounded with cheers and applause as [Y/N] gracefully bowed before making her way backstage. In the backstage area, a sea of smiles greeted her as friends congratulated her on the achievement.

"Congratulations! I always knew you'd be appointed as president!" Chaewon exclaimed with excitement.

[Y/N] radiated joy, basking in the happiness and pride of attaining the student council president role, grateful for her friends' unwavering support. "Thanks, guys," she beamed.

Eunchae chimed in with another delightful announcement, "And in other fantastic news, Yunjin has been chosen as the basketball team captain!"

Excitement reverberated among the girls as they collectively squealed, offering warm congratulations to Yunjin.


In the rear of the school auditorium, Sunghoon joined his friends, united in their decision to skip the tedious speeches. Jake, one hand extending for his cigarette, inquired, "Anyone got a lighter?"

A lighter sailed through the air as Jay tossed it to Jake, who smirked before igniting his cigarette. Jay glanced at Sunghoon and queried, "What happened to your face? Got jumped again?"

Sunghoon grunted, "Jeongho and Hyungseok were pissed 'cause I wasn't handing out freebies with the drugs."

Jay gave a knowing nod, "Same old story with them. They act like little kids throwing fits when stuff doesn't roll their way."

Jake swiftly coughed and discreetly stashed his cigarette as he spotted Mrs. Aecha approaching. "Watch out, Mrs. Aecha is heading our way," he cautioned his friends.

Sunghoon and Jay exchanged annoyed sighs, anticipating the impending lecture.

Approaching the trio with a firm stare, Mrs. Aecha didn't intimidate the boys as much as other students. They merely regarded her with blank expressions.

"Seriously, you three again! Cut out the speech-skipping for smoke breaks!" Mrs. Aecha exclaimed, deftly snatching Jake's concealed cigarette.

"Detention! Consider yourselves fortunate it's not a suspension!" she admonished.

Mrs. Aecha raised her voice, "Head back to the auditorium, pronto!" The three boys nonchalantly rose and trailed after her, sporting indifferent expressions. She ensured they ended up in the front row, amidst the cacophony of students chatting away. The eyes of the crowd fixated on them, and Mrs. Aecha maintained an uncomfortably watchful gaze, deterring any notions of escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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