pt 11

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|Before I start I'd like to thank you for all the reads on all of my stories. I don't deserve it. Thank you so much my loves. I love you guys tons you all mean so much to me. Thank you again for reading.|

   The next morning when I wake up I hear voices in the room. Either I was crazy or we had guests. I still feel Duff laying on me. I lift my head and look around. The rest of the band was there. "morning sleeping beauty" Izzy says. "You think Duff slept well?" Axl asks. I look down at Duff and see him on his stomach resting his head on my butt. One of his hands rest on my ass and one on my thigh. I smile and reach my hand down the ruffle his hair. Duff groans, and half asleep he crawls over to me. I lay on my back and Duff lays on me. "Aww" Steven gazes at us. Duff looks up at me with an unreadable emotion in him eyes. I couldn't tell what was bothering him. I open my mouth to say something and his lips attack mine.

   Whistles and cheers fill the room. Duff's hands snake up my body. I feel his hard on against my thigh. "Duff we have guests.." I whisper. He sighs and burrows his head in my chest. "Well what do you guys want?" I ask. "We wanna go to the pool.. will you go with us?" Axl asks. I look outside and it looked like a cold fall day. They notice my confused look. "it's an indoor pool" Izzy says. I nod understandably. "Duff do you want to?" I softly ask. "Will you be there?" He groggily asks. I nod and he gets up. "Whoo!" Slash cheers when he sees me completely. Duff glares at him. "Alright you guys can go we'll meet you down." Duff says. I look in my suitcase for a nice swim suit. When I find one Duff was done getting ready. I change quickly and get ready for the day. "Y/n, your so beautiful.." He walks towards me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

   "Your beautiful too" I smile. He buries his face in my neck. I move my hand sharply, and knock down my hair spray lid. I wasn't doing my hair it was just there. I bend over to pick it up and Duff thrusts his hips into mine. I look at him funny and stand up. I softly pinch him and giggle. Duff looks at me with a smile and laughs. I hadn't noticed how cute his laugh really was. I love Duff, everything about him. He's so hard to live without. I love his laugh, the way he talks, how his cheeks get red when I catch him staring, oh my god everything is just so perfect. Duff kisses my cheek, all down my neck. It's not rough kissing it's only soft. I can't believe Duff is my boyfriend. I mean so many girls crush over him, and I'm crushing hardest.

   Deep down I know Duff will never know how extremely hard I love him. Duff has always been so sweet and caring. I finish getting ready and Duff gets ready. I sit paitently, and wait. Duff doesn't take long to get ready. He comes out of the bathroom in his swim trunks. I smile at him. Duff looks so sexy all the time. I've never been more active. Duff holds my hand and walks me to the pool. I don't think I could live without Duffle. Duff is the reason for everything. I sit down on the edge of the pool and dip my feet in. Duff smiles at me then jumps in. I gasp then laugh at him. The guys were talking in the corner. Duff swims to me. "Your not gonna get in?" He asks. "I will" I assure him. He smile then wraps his arms around me. He picks me up and puts me in the pool. I laugh. "Are you serious?" I say through giggles.

   He laughs and nods. Duff kisses me passionately. I hold him close. It was almost Christmas, as it was getting colder and colder outside. I'm tired of touring, and I want to go home. "Duff when are we going home?" I ask, looking up at him. "Soon babe, Tonight before we leave I wanna do some partying." He speaks. I nod smiling. I somewhat swim over to the guys. They smile and cheer. "Watcha guys talkin' 'bout?" I ask. "We're talking about what we're gonna do tonight." Steven says. In my opinion, Axl was getting grumpier and grumpier as the tour went on. I think everyone was. I think they need to get some action. Duff stands next to me.

   Me and Duff get out of the pool and we go back up to our room. He holds my waist the whole time up. Duff picks me up and places me on the bed. He kisses my neck and boobs. I fiddle with the waistband of his trunks. He groans and pushes himself against me. "Babe your so beautiful.." he almost groans. I wrap my arms around Duff and bring him close to my face. I kiss him then flip us over. "Stay" I speak and walk away. I search his suitcase and find what I was looking for. Duff looks at me shocked. I smirk and handcuff him to the bed. "Baby.." he whines and fiddles them around, trying to get out of them. I straddle Duff's hips and I move mine. "Babe please" He begs beneath me.

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