The beauty

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It was fifth day of ICT on their trip in Nilgiris , most of the members were out exploring nature. Subhman decided to search a store who keep werewolf stuff , and to his luck there was a store in the village in the southern side of village , sun was setting , sky was covered in peaceful serene , birds returning back to their abode , so Subhman started to go to store as it might close at night.

"mam , i need this medicine urgently.." Ishan asked to the girl at counter, who checked the name and then looked up. "sorry sir , these are prescribed drugs , we can't give it to you without doctor's recommendation" Ishan looked here and there trying to think any reason, any solution . "listen i know about it, the issue is that i lost the signed paper of doctor... and i am in need of them so much..." but the girl just muttered a small sorry , not wanting to take any risk. 

Ishan came out of the store feeling dejected, he looked back when the girl from store called him "here take them , they are mine use them for your mate but please don't tell to anyone... otherwise high rankers won't leave me..." Ishan nodded hurriedly taking the small half used bottle in his hand .

There was a rule, only alphas and omegas can buy them, alphas for their mates but betas are not allowed without prescription and Ishan was certainly not an alpha . Ishan speeded up his pace  smelling the scent of alphas somewhere near,  feeling the sudden heat in his body, he knew that his scent no longer can be blocked by scent blocker but may be luck was not his, he collided in someone and fell on the road, the small bottle felling from his hand , another sound of his scent blocker breaking was heard. 

a small voice of "sorry " was not what Ishan heard , all he could do was look at the now empty medicine bottle on the road, he felt fear in his veins , feeling the scent of alphas coming near. 

Subhman never thought he would meet the boy like this , he smelled a strong scent coming from the boy . and other scents of alphas near. he put hand on boy's shoulder, who shivered . "hey look at me .." he murmured softly and oh boy was Subhman felt his pulse stop when the very boy , he was dying to see turned to him. sweat covering his face, lips glossy , scent gland area , where the mating mark would be shining , his eyes travelled up to his eyes, Subhman felt his world stopping . there was blue eyes shining so bright , looking into his own, filled with fear yet something alluring. 

"don't panic , i can also sense them.. " Subhman said reading his facial expression. Ishan tried to get up , he was pulled into the safe cocoon in the Subhman's chest who produced soothing pheromones. "hey man ...what are you doing ...?" one of the alpha form group asked, reaching near them, looking at them with slight disgust. "nothing , what do you want...?" Subhman asked completely covering Ishan in his arm. 

"oh we smelt a scent in this direction...sweet.." another snickered, "then follow it , why stopped here..." Subh said eyes hard. "to see that Subhman gill is gay , what are you doing with this male beta..." and all of them laughed but in reality they were disappointed that they couldn't smell the alluring scent. As Subhman covered it with his one completely. on  the other hand it was getting hard for Subhman , he was feeling animalistic, they scent only he could smell at the moment. 

"ahh what a disappointment, we can't get the scent anymore , what about you gill?.. heard that your senses are more strong.." "listen, keep this wolf thing aside and let me go .. i need to sleep..." Subhman passed them , Ishan close to his chest. 

"oh you want to spend your night with this beta, how bad of you, why don't we share him gill.." all of them laughed . Ishan felt shiver running down , his condition was not helping him , he felt the first gush of slick in his pants and Subhman looked down at him . 

He took his scent blocker apart, to overpower Ishan's scent . his hands tighten but he didn't knew that his scent was making Ishan more aroused. "let's get you out of here.. " soon they were able to reach Ishan's cottage , where he was staying with a old woman .

subhman laid Ishan on his bed , controlling himself. he tried to avoid the blue eyes looking at , hooded. "rest here .." as Subhman was about to go , Ishan held his hand , he can't help it, his wolf instincts were taking over. "please alpha.." Subhman closed his eyes, this was getting intense for him, after all he was the one and only True blood to exist in this century . "i am just going to store for your medicine.." Subhman went out , his mind filled with so many things. 

after 20 mins Subhman entered in Ishan's room, who was looking at the door, may be waiting for him , this thought alone pleased his wolf. "here take it .." he said helping Ishan , room was filled with lustful scent coming from omega infront of him. The one and only male omega to ever exist, last one was six centuries before who was not able to survive , he was killed just after one year of him presenting as a male omega, omega Lomov , he was omega of northern Siberia pack. 

people might not believe in the creatures like male omega but he do , after all he was also an impossible to exist only a mythical creature "The True Blood Alpha".

only normal alphas, betas in both genders and female omegas exist, Trueblood alphas and Male omegas are mythical , the creatures in wolf books.

Subhman spooned Ishan , because omega demanded. he was proud at himself, at his wolf for this great control when he was having the only creature who could take his knot like this infront of him. Ishan was feeling better than before , be it suppressants or the presence of alpha , his Alpha . he felt his eyes getting heavy , lips on his forehead . "sleep tight my omega .." Subhman muttered and they were words which confirmed that his mate accept him, he finally have a home. 


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