Our Performance

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'Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show!'

A grin came upon (M/n)'s face as he heard the signal from his partner in crime through the earpiece. He adjusted the safety-goggles on his face, before pressing his arms together until they morphed into one large drill. His quirk was perfect for the job at hand. (M/n)'s quirk allowed him to turn his arms into drills and if pressed together, into one extremely large drill. The drill began to spin, making loud noises.

He pressed the point against the metal above him, slowly beginning to drill through it. The drill against the metal made a whole lot of noise, though (M/n) didn't concern himself with that. He, himself was wearing noise-blocking earphones over the earpiece, and everyone else would be too concerned with Sako to even notice what he was doing. (M/n) gladly relied on his partner and the man's sense of showmanship. It took a few minutes before he was through the metal.

He turned the drill back into hands, before climbing out of the tunnel, into the vault.

The door of the vault was locked, which made the man smile. That would make everything a lot easier for both him and Sako. He quickly took care of the cameras, completely destroying the devices after deleting the footage. It was one of the things (M/n) found the most fun when working with Sako, letting people think Sako was the only one there and letting them wonder how he did it. Sako enjoyed the attention and (M/n) found it hilarious when everyone else was left dumbfounded. Within the vault (M/n) made quick work of it by turning one hand into a drill. The safe deposit boxes were no match for his drills. Money, jewellery, important documents and more valuables made their way into his bag. He didn't care what he took as long as it looked valuable. When he couldn't carry more, he jumped back down the hole he had created.

'Atsu, time for curtain call. Sako Atsuhiro, otherwise known as the villain Mr Compress, let out a chuckle at the sound of (M/n)'s voice.

'Of course, darling... he purred softly. He then looked upon the audience he had gathered. Regular people and heroes alike. Mostly lower-ranked heroes, as Sako had carefully sought out this place with the intent not to get caught. 'Ladies and gentlemen! Unfortunately, we have arrived at the end of

my show. But do not despair! For I have one last trick up my sleeve!' Sako grinned behind the mask he was wearing. 'I'll be making myself disappear!' He rolled up his sleeves and crouched down, placing his palm against the ground, before smoke surrounded him. Heroes moved forward to stop him, but were too late. Everyone could only watch in astonishment as the man actually disappeared. Everyone was unaware that Sako had just used his quirk to compress part of the ground, successfully landing him into one of (M/n)'s premade tunnels. The ground that had been compressed was carefully, but quickly put back in place as soon as he landed in the tunnel, leaving no trace of where he had disappeared off to. Sako softly chuckled to himself as he followed the tunnel home.

Sako and (M/n)'s home was strange, but Sako couldn't help but love it. Most of their true home was undergrounds. The part that was above ground - and actually looked from a house on the outside was small and crude-looking. It was one of the benefits of living with (M/n). As long as their house was connected with the ground, (M/n) would see it as his duty to give it a grand basement. With the man's grand knowledge of ground and creating tunnels, Sako never had to worry about it being unsafe either. Moving was no trouble because of Sako's quirk as he could easily compress and transport all their belongings. It was therefore that the two could easily move a lot, without ever having to live without comfort. Sako smiled at the dirt-walls underneath his mask, he always made sure the walls were covered in colourful posters. He took off his coat and hat, hanging them onto the coat-rack. He then walked over to a couple of shelves, which were littered with small, blue marbles. He went through his pockets, gathering a few new blue marbles and adding them to his collection.

'You caught some more heroes?' (M/n)'s voice caused Sako to turn around.

'Low-ranks, no one will miss them, Sako responded, looking at the man walking into the room. (M/n) took off his safety-goggles, the clean skin of where they had been starkly contrasting with the rest of his face which was covered by a small layer of dirt and sand.

'I should take a shower... I've got dirt in places where I don't want dirt to be, the man mumbled, untucking his shirt. With every movement he seemed to dispel sand.

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