fukuzawa x male reader

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This one-shot is supposed to be fukuzawa having a father son relationship with the reader and is a father figure to him.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ suicide attempt and suicide success mention ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


It was all I could hear.

Everything was blurry.

I couldn't move any part of my body, it was warm, it felt as if i was burning. My eyes had slowly started to regain focus. I am finally able to see my surroundings, there was fire everywhere, in front of my layed a corpse. I couldn't comprehend my surroundings, nor could I identify who the corpse belonged to. But for some reason my eyes shed its tears, how did i even get here in the first place? I cant recall. Well all i can recall is being held in a choke hold with a gun against my head. Everything after that is just a blur.

I soon heard yelling but i couldn't make out who it was. They seem to be a man in a green yukata. He was scratched up a bit but was still able to move, but i couldn´t. I tried to yell to get his attention but i could only let out coughs. I couldn't yell or speak, but luckily my coughing grabs the attention of the unknown man. He rushes over to me. He seem familiar….oh thats right he was in front of me before the explosion went off. The man was trying to get me out of a criminals arms without hurting me. But he wasn't able to do that because thats when everything exploded.

He was able to pick me up and carry me out of the burning place. I could feel myself falling out of consciousness, soon i let the darkness consume me. I can barely make out the muffle sounds of voices.

I could hear only a beeping sound i tried to ignore it but it was too loud. As i open my eyes the light was too bright for my eyes and it gave me a headache. I let my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room im in, the room was white i assumed it was a hospital room since it had a hospital smell. Something i had grown to accustomed to as i grew up. I was able to sit up a bit, i wasnt aware that the left side of my face had been covered with bandages until now, and to be more specific the bandages went from my face to my left hand. I hear the door the the room open, the man that saved me was standing in the door way.

"I see your awake." the man said
I just stare at him, i try to speak but all that came out was a raspy noise and then some coughing. "The doctors say that you should refrein from trying to speak as your vocal cords got damage and need some time to heal." the man walked to the side of my bed and sat down in the chair that was there. "Im yukichi fukuzawa, and i am the president of a detective agency . Im sorry that you ended up getting involved in this situation." he had nodded his head to apolagize.

It was hard for me to remember all that had happened all i remember is being held captive with a gun to my head and then i woke up with fire around me, my ears ringing and my vision blurry. I want to say that i recognised the corpse that was infront of me burnt…but my memory is to foggy to remember.

I stared at him not knowing how i even got involved. I couldn't remember it at all. He sighed clearly aware of my confusion as it was visible on my face. ¨how much do you remember of the situation……actually you wont be able to answer that i appolagize so let me re ask it so your able to answer.¨ he said “do you remember anything about the situation?” i just shook my head and he lightly nodded “how old are you?” i put my fingers up in a way that he can understand that i am 16 years old. He nods.

“Sixteen and your having to deal with this…..do you know what the port mafia is?” He asks. I nod. My family has done business with them before. “The boss if the port mafia is after you, do you think you might know why?” He ask. I nod to his question, my parents has been really cautious with every move they take since my older brother decided to mess with the mafia and ended up getting killed by them. He was sent by my parents to do some business since they were busy with other work stuff. “Alright, I better leave you to rest since you must be tired. And I will try my best to contact your parents or guardian.” He stands up and leaves.

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