Chapter 2

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Sakura's POV

I woke at the sound of my alarm i looked at the time it said 7:15 am i got quickly got up because im only 15 minutes away to be late I ran to the bathroom and quickly bathe I got out I brushed my teeth and got dress in my school uniform I ran downstairs and said "Morning Otou-san" I only saw otou-san in the table eating he said "Morning Sakura" I sat down and ate my breakfast quickly I said "Thanks for the breakfast Otou-san" i wore my hat and wore my roller skates i quickly and carefully skated to school.

*10 minutes later*

I quickly got to class and said "Morning Tomoyo-Chan,Morning Syaoran-kun,and Morning Eriol-kun" they all said good morning I smiled and sat down I take notes because the quiz got move but because im clumsy i accidentally ripped a part of it i took the ripped paper and copied the notes that I wrote while adding new notes i heard the bell ring class is dismissed Me,Syaoran-kun,Tomoyo-chan,and Eriol-kun talked for a while so we won't get bored waiting for the teacher i still remember sealing the hope card and Syaoran-kun confessing his feelings for me.
We kept it as a secret to every one even to Tomoyo-chan we sat down because we we're getting tired of sitting and the teacher came in the lesson begun i was writing whats on the board i glanced around the room and saw papers being thrown,girls whispering who knows what,and students spitting small paper balls on to each other's faces. I continued to write and keep looking on the board full of words that points out historic language and letters from temple's i don't even know how they are collected I went back to writing and the teacher told us about the world war 1 he told us how the nazis fired bullets at the Japanese with Machine guns and some information about the world war the school bell rang and we all stand up to eat lunch

*Time skip to the end of the school* we all walk out of school and got back home quickly.

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