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'Once I was a great invincible warrior

And no one dared stand in my way.

I traveled the land searching for a worthy battle

Until I discovered the gates of shadows

I broke the laws of the elders and opened the gates

The demons that were on the other side

They rushed upon me!

Tearing my flash!

Draining my soul!

Turing me

Into a shadow...

But before such tragedy happened to me I was just a boy looking for a way to get stronger.

__________________ x _________________

[unknown location]

Naruto Uzumaki the demon child as the people of konoha called him. He almost wondered if what they said about him was true or not. Because as far as he remember he never harmed anyone for that matter. He tried to be a kind person to them, and when that didn't work he decided to pull pranks on them while wearing a mask of a happy idiot.

But now he can't even tell it's a mask or a coping mechanism anymore. Maybe he has permanently wore this and now lack the ability to take it of. He really wanted to take this stupid happy go happy idiot mask from his face. It brought him no honor, no friends and just made him a subject of constant mockery.

Maybe he should just accept the fact that people of his village can never truly accept him. He should just give up on his dream of being the hokage.


That was a pathetic excuse of a dream honestly. People have dreams to become hat they want the most and do something great in there life but him? His dream for being a hokage were just selfish. He wanted to be hokage so people could respect him not because he wanted to lead them into a better future or anything like that.

He already seen how the old man struggles to maintain his power over the village and how much paper work that comes with it. No person would want that kind of stress in there life where you have no time for yourself and your family. He only wanted to be the hokage because he thinks that is the only way for people to truly respect him.

Frankly speaking it doesn't matter anymore he is too weak for it. Only the strongest ninja have the ability to be the hokage of the village and he by no means can be considered strong.


That's what he is...

He is the weakest genin in the current generation not to mention he failed three times in the academy. He blames himself and his weakness for this. While others in the class weren't any better because he knows for a fact that most of them came from civilian background like him.

While the clan heirs and heiress have there parents or clan member to teach them giving them special advantage over other. Iruka was also to be blamed here, the man refused to help him claiming "It will be giving him special treatment " but what about the clan heirs? Aren't they getting special treatments aswell?

Maybe Iruka was just pretending to be his friend but secretly hated him aswell. That could be the case because in the beginning of the academy he did have some form of hatred in his eyes but that over time changed.

Naruto let out an tired sigh wondering only one thing...


Why do they all hate him like that!? Is it because he was that weak!? Is being weak such a sin!?

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