Chapter XI

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Seulgi's POV

"This is your home now Kang Seulgi." I stopped. "We both don't have a choice. I already promised your family I'll try, and I never break promises Kang. So I can't let you leave this house anymore." this time she walk past by me. I watch her got her things.

"Transfer your things already to the bedroom I used, I arranged the closet for both of us to use already. You can put some of your extra things in the office room, you stayed in last night." She said those without even glancing at me anymore. "Think this all through while I'm away, Kang. You know you need this. Let's talk again, when I come back." she said looking at her watch.

I saw the look of suprise in there then suddenly, she rushed out of the house. I was left confused.

"I don't understand her. Isn't she the one against this? Why am I convincing her not to do it?" I sighed.

I was about to go back to the room I stayed in last night when I remembered we were eating during our conversation and she suddenly left. I slowly look back at the dinning table. I laugh at myself.

"Unbelievable!" I said before heading there. I went to sit back to my unfinished breakfast. I suddenly heard the front door opened up, I look over. I saw her took a deep breath as she saw me looking, before she walk up to me. "I'm not leaving, okay? I can wait 'til you come back. You can go now, you might be late for school..." I look back at the food.

"C-can... Can I borrow your car?" She hesitantly asked. My what?! I look back at her after hearing that.

"No." I answered her in disbelief. "Don't you have one? I heard you had collection of it. Where--"

"I don't." She stopped me. "Not because I drove different cars, doesn't mean it's mine." She said.

"How would I believe that if you're no other than BAE JOOHYUN."

"Can you please just stop putting an image on me like everybody else!" She said, frustratedly. She seem insulted every time I brought up her life. "If you won't let me borrow, it's fine. I can just book a--" I stand up and started cleaning up the table.

"What time's your first class? Can you wait five to ten minutes? I can't let you borrow my car, 'cause I have somewhere to be later. I'll just drive you to school." I arrange the dishes to the sink. I'll just clean it up later. "I'll change and get my keys. Wait." I then run upstairs to get ready.

After a few minutes, I went down. I saw her with an apron and gloves on, washing up the dishes. Didn't she run away from it earlier?

"Just leave it. I'll finish it up later when I get back. You don't want to be late." She was startled the moment I spoke. Good thing she listens. She picked up her things and we went out.

The moment we both got inside my car I spoke.

"Seriously... You can't not have a car."

"I don't. The ones I drove sometimes are my Dad's." What?! I started the engine and drive. "Usually I just have someone to drive for me."

"That's impossible." I heard her laugh a little. "Aren't you a spoiled one?"

"Again, stop it." I glance at her.

"I can't not be telling the truth, when everyone knows and can see how privileged you are." I said to her.

"It's not like I wanted it."

"So you admit it?"

"No." I sigh. "I may be privileged but I'm not spoiled. I have a name that everyone look up to but if I had a choice I wouldn't want to have it. I have an image built for me. Everything you hear and see about me, it's not all true Seulgi. So please stop looking at me the way everyone does, I don't like it." I look at her again. I guess everyone's really wrong about her, but it's not like her image is bad. My friends even call her an ANGEL.

"Do you really want out of your family?" I asked. "Dad said, you're not interested in your company..."

"No, I love my family Seulgi. I want out of the name. I want a different lifestyle. I want a life that doesn't all revolve in work and business."

"And you're willing to let all that your family worked hard for go to waste?"

"It's not going to waste, when it's still being managed well." She said.

"You don't get it, do you?" I parked my car in front of the school, then I face her. "It was built for you." She give me a bitter smile?

"I know that." She said.

"Then why are you giving up on it?"

"Like I said it's not something that I want. I don't want to imprison myself, like what my father did to himself." her father? "I have to go. Thank you for the ride. Let's talk more later." Later? She then went out of my car. I followed her. I think I'm starting to get it now.

"Wait!" She look back at me. I walk over to her. "I need your number." I give her my phone. She accepted it an put in what I asked. When she give it back I called it. Just making sure it's hers and... "Text me when your done. I'll pick you up." I look up to me and blinked a few times. Cute. Seulgi stop!?

"No need--"

"You wanted to try, right? Then let me do this." I said. "You know my intentions and how I want this to end."

"Seulgi..." I smiled at her that surprised her.

"You're not into someone else, right?" I asked her.

"h-huh?" She stuttered.

"I'm just making sure I'm making the right decision now." I said. "Are you?"

"N-no." She continued in a whisper. "No one else." Huh? I misheard it, right? "I really need to go now." She then walk away, leaving me there. I'm pretty sure it's what I heard.

I dialed her number. I saw her pause and look over her phone. Answer it. She did.

"I heard it, you know." I smiled to myself. Maybe it's not hopeless after all. "Do text me later." I said "Joohyun? Can you hear me?"


"Look back." I wave at her when she did.

"This is me trying, Joohyun. So text me." I reminded her again, before ending the call. I give her a smile again then went back to my car. From here I can see her walk her way inside the building.

I dialed Dad's number.


"Is everything okay Seulgi?" He asked.

"Is it possible to set up a meeting with Mr. Bae this lunch?" Hopefully. I need to talk to him.

"Seulgi you know how busy--"

"Tell him it's about her daughter and the family deal." And if what I'm thinking is right, he would meet with me without hesitation.

"Just you?" He asked.

"Just with me Dad." I said.

"What are you up to young lady?" I laugh at that.

"I'm securing my future Dad." First, I want to understand why they're willing to marry off their daughter when she doesn't want the same life anymore. I'm pretty sure they know that, knowing how vocal she is.

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