6~ Mercy

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Author's POV,

Yana stood in her own house's living room still dazed up and trying to forget the nightmare she saw a few minutes ago.

She lifted her trembling hand and touched her tummy before pulling her hand to see it stained with blood.

Her throat dried when she understood that it wasn't a nightmare but the truth she didn't want to accept.

Her eyes moved towards those scary guards who were surrounding the whole house caging her in between like she would try to run.

The hell with them!!! With whom they were joking? Did she have the courage to go against Ardhansh Singhaniya and run without his consent?

Her heart trembled after remembering his inhumanity, and how mercilessly he killed Sheru.

That poor baby!!!

She hates him for killing that innocent soul and committing such a hideous sin, but Does she have any share in that? If she had she would be never able to forgive herself, her thoughts broke with the sound of approaching footsteps, And her moist gaze swept toward the staircase.

He was cascading down the stairs draped in nothing but a towel, oozing an irresistible temptation with every step.

His damp hair locks cascaded over his forehead, each droplet tracing a tantalizing path down his bearded jawline, and travelling down towards his tattoed muscled chest while getting vanished in his towel with no traces of the sin he committed a few minutes ago.

The man was sinful and could make any woman bend down to her knees to beg him but she didn't come in those women she knew the monster behind this handsome facade.

She witnessed his hell and the brutality he made her suffer through, in the end, she was burned alive leaving in nothing but Ashes as a clue of her destruction.

If he thinks, She is weak and that same girl who was hopelessly in love with a man like him then He is so wrong.

She wiped the lone tear that stubbornly rolled down her eye and stared at him with burning eyes whose face was showing nothing but the poison of victory.

He took selective steps towards her and stood in front of her towering over her little figure and making her take her two steps back to avoid her own smell oozing from his body.

"Do you use baby products?" His question trembled her to the core and she fisted her sweaty palm.

She and her maternal family had done so many things to hide Aehraan's existence from him and it couldn't be revealed like this.

She can't lose her second child as she lost her first one, She is scared to face that heart-shattering cruelty again.

He roughly held her wrist snapping her out of her reverie and asked trailing forcefully her nails on his ripped muscles.

"Like What you see Ms Trivedi?"

Yana tried to pull her hand back but he stubbornly held it and whispered

"Don't get this excited I still didn't plan to take you to bed."

Her angry eyes stared into his amusing orbs and she stomped her heel on his barefoot only to make his lips curl up in a smile.

"Don't do something for which you will regret later, Jaan," He warned while trailing his finger on her jawline and stopping it on her plumpy pink lips.

"They are looking so fine and sweet baby," He commented forcefully parting her lips with his finger.

She stared into his eyes and opened her mouth to bite his finger to make it memorable for him but halted when he raised his eyebrow daring her to do it and she quickly shut it up.

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