Chapter 1 🩸

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[ Narrator / Context ]

Park Sunghoon and Park Keiro (KSN)
were once a vampire couple who were inseparable, they grew together
as kids up until they were adults.

Some said they were soulmates while others questioned their chemistry but neither one of them mattered to the two.

On one faithful day, Sunghoon proposed to Keiro with a beautiful red ring.

But on the day before their wedding, June 24 ####, everything changed Keiro grew weak and fell greatly ill causing his unfortunate death.

Sunghoon fell into great depression after loosing his Dear Fiance on the day before they wed.

Three Millenniums had passed and Sunghoon had yet forgotten his late Fiance.

His Obsession led him to research about the rules and aftermaths of death. Gaining more knowledge he fled the Immortal realm in search of his Lover's reincarnation in the Mortal realm. Going as far as to attend a Human school as a Teacher.

[Context Provider for the species / races in this story]


Vampires are a part of the 'Immortal' creatures while Humans were associated as 'Mortals' seen as weak and looked down apon by the Creatures who lived in the Immortal realm

In the Immortal realm, a Century in the Mortal realm is just seen as two years in the Immortal realm.

Onions, Garlic nor Sunlight are fatal to Vampires. A Vampire must drink blood every seven days once or twice, the result of not doing so is they'll suffer from Bloodthurst, Severe stomach pain and headaces which may cause in death.

Once a Vampire dies its soul will be given a choice to reborns as a Human in the Mortal realm or be rebirth once again as a Vampire.

Vampires grow small fangs during their first four Centuries but as they grow their fangs will grow longer once in the adolescent phase.

• Werewolves

Werewolves are seen as vicious and vile creature's of the Immortal realm.

they have anger issues and are easily irritated by small things.

Werewolves have thick curly hair, that goes for both male and wome. A Werewolves Ears and tail that can be easily be hidden under clothes or a special trick that only a few members of each packs can achieve


Witches are Mortals who came to the Immortal realm and achieved dark magic or forbidden knowledge that only Immortals know.


[Sunghoon's Pov]

As Sunghoon was walking around the school's hallways a familiar voice called to him.

??: Mr.Park!!

Sunghoon turned around and saw a man, who he wasn't familiar with was standing infornt of him.

Sunghoon (Mind): Who is he... he sounds so familiar yet I've never seen someone who looks like him before...

Sunghoon: Uhm...Who are you.?

??: Ah right! I'm Mr. Kim, the homeroom teacher of class 5 *the man smiles* feel free to call me by my first name, Sunoo, as were colleges afterall!

Sunghoon: Ah.... alright...

Sunoo: Anyways since you're new heres the schedule the Principal gave you.

Sunoo gives Sunghoon a handbook with all the information he needed written inside

Sunghoon: Thank you Mr. Kim

Sunoo: No problemo! See you around Mr. Park!

Sunoo left, walking towards his classroom


⭐Thank you for reading chapter 1 ⭐

(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) Enjoy~!

- I made this when i was on a school field trip (Dec 5) 🤧 and only fixed my grammar mistakes and published it today (Dec 24) Bohoo

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