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☆11 years later, Jay's 15☆

Ug, finally, it's the last week of school. "Remember class, we have finals, these few days, so study, especially if you want to go to UA." My dumb ass teacher said. "Hey, jay, why don't we study together after school?" My friend Ein asked. "Sure, then we can train after." I said, packing up my stuff.

I stood up and started to walk out the door. While Ein was talking to me about how they were going to improve their quirk (ps. Ein's quirk is to control their bones) "Mabey, I could do some jumping and climbing over the summer?" Ein said. "Yeah, that will probably work." I said while reading a pokemon book. We walked up to my door when we heard something shatter on the floor.

We ran in and saw my grandma cleaning up a vase. While Rapidash looked down guilty. "Nanny, what happened?" I asked with concern relative in my voice. "Don't worry, Jay. Rapidash just got startled from Mya and kicked the table, and the vase fell." My grandma said while picking up pieces of the vase. "OK... well, we're going to go study for the entrance exam." I said, but then I noticed that my grandpa isn't here.

"Hey, where's Papa at?" I said, looking around and also not seeing Braviary (ps. Rapidash and Braviary are pokemon that Jay leaves behind to look after her grandma and grandpa) "Hmm oh yeah, Papa and Braviary went to go get groceries for supper." My grandma said while smiling.

☆an hour later☆

"Hello, we're back!" My grandpa yelled. I ran down the stairs to see my grandpa and Braviary at the door with Braviary holding bags of food by its beak. Ein came down after finishing the paragraph they were on. "Hello, Mr. Kholber, how are you?" (Ps. Jay has a different last name than her grandparents because jays last name is Garretts, because that's her dads last name) Ein said while smiling at him.

"Oh, hello there, Ein, I'm doing good." My grandpa said while Braviary brought the bags to the kitchen.

☆after making supper and eating supper☆

"Hey, why don't we go outside and train?" Ein asked. "Yeah, that sounds fun." I said while grabbing my pokemon book. Once we were outside, I flipped through the book randomly and landed on...LUCARIO. "Let's go, lucario!" (Ps. over time, Jay found it easier to have a book that has pokemon pictures, their moves, and facts about different pokemon) I put my hand over the picture of lucario, and then there was a blue light, then there was a lucario.

"OK, lucario, it's time to train." I said to lucario. Lucario then let out a grunt as if say ^yes, let's go^ while holding up a fist. "Ok, let's go!" Ein said while extending their arm bones like Pawniards arm blades but longer.

Ein then ran up to lucario, " Lucario uses bone rush!" I tell lucario. Lucario blocked Eins attacks by using bone rush. Ein jumped back."Lucario uses sword dance." I tell Lucario, Lucario stopped using bone rush and used sword dance.

Ein ran up to lucario again, not knowing what sword dance. "Lucario uses extreme speed." I said calmly, lucario wated for Ein to get closer until they're about 12 feet away, then charged at them, Ein then fell.

I ran up to Ein and crouched down to them. "Hey, you good?" I asked. "Yeah... I'm fine." Ein said out of breath. "How about we go study again?" I said while standing up. "Yeah... that sounds good." Ein said while also standing up.

☆We did this until it was time for the entrance exam☆

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