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They say peace is won
through war. From the sweat and blood of men fighting for a better future. But what happens when greed and lust for power tries to usurp the hope for a better tomorrow? When darkness gains a foothold and refuses to surrender? War. Famine. Tragedy. Blood spilled for nothing in the end.  But there is always one ...... who will stand for what is right . The beacon in a dark world . For as long as there is one who will fight, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow............."

Prologue : Present

Dragged from my bed and imprisoned was not how I saw my self returning to the capital . I look up as a guard unlocks my cell , he sneers at me as he says" let's go."

I heave myself from the floor and hold out my wrists to be shackled. He places them about my wrist and makes sure they are tight.  Roughly grabbing my elbow and pulls me towards the stairs . I pass the cells holding my men. They each run to the door of their cell .

" Trix! " I look at Declan and smile at him, knowing this will probably be the last time I see his handsome face.
" Whatever you do , don't give in! You fight! You hear me?!"
I smile a sad smile knowing my fate was already cast months ago. I just couldn't tell them what the cost was going to be. I close my eyes as the guard punches me in the back, I close my eyes in pain.
     When I open them I see Lorcan, my mage. My mischievous healer.
" Trix , what's happening?"
I'm shoved further down the cell block before I can answer him.

I pass Gabe's cell , he's sitting on the bunk , back against the wall , knee's bent , forearms draped across them.  As I limp past , close to his cell, faster than a blink, he rushes to the bars and grabs my arm pulling me to the bars . The guard shouts , demanding that he let me go. He calls for back up .
I look up into his amber eyes
He whispers for the first time.
" You knew what this quest would cost you if you failed...didn't you?" I just stare up into his face , slowly bringing my hand to his masked face.
" Get them out of here, my assassin king." I slowly slip a lock pick into his shirt pocket .

I'm jerked away from him , and shoved to my knees. I cry out when my knees hit the cobble stone floor.
" Take your hands off  her!" Shouts Lorcan
The guard laughs ignoring him turns to me and says
" Get up, traitor."

I push to my feet, body aching from the beating I took last night. The last cell on the right holds my warrior Knight. As I shuffle pass , his back is to the door and I can tell he's angry with me.
" Vincent, I lov....." I don't get to finish
He looks over his shoulder at me in disgust.
" I hope it's slow..... that they don't grant you a swift end. That you know real fear in the face of death. knowing that in your final moments , my hate for you will burn till my last breath." 
Traitorous tears fall as I'm shoved to the stairs. I slowly limp my way towards the top. The guard kicks  me in the back when I stop to catch my breath.
" Keep walking!"

I'm pushed again and I stumble, my face hits the floor hard. The guard sighs in aggravation . I just lay there my heart In shattered pieces on the floor . I'm pulled to my feet by two sets of hands, dragged to the Council chamber. I'm thrown to the ground once again. I finally snap at them.
" You lay another finger on me,I will gut you the first chance I get." I threaten

He rolls his eyes at my threat and says " You won't get that chance. "

the door to the antechamber opens and the Council takes their seats. I stand the best I can facing them unafraid of what's to come.

the Council of Iphos made up of the five delegates from the different kingdoms, stare at me . A few with pity and others with downright  glee.

It's Master Caeldric who sighs before he says
" Calytrix Rhaelin, you were sent by this council a year ago, to each kingdom to ask for aide from its leaders against the Obsidian Circle. Instead you wrecked havoc in the gardens of Aslerean, sunk an entire armada in Duvalon, caused a cave in , in Heollian, , set fire to an entire grove of Silk trees in Narva, and let's not forget you stole a scared tome from the library of Dira!

" But I ......"
I try to defend my self but Master Doyle's from Aslerean bangs his hand  , rattling the glasses on the table.
" Silence! You stand accused of treachery and conspiring with the Obsidian circle , against the Kingdoms of Iphos!
For such crimes you will be put to death....." 

There's nothing I can do to defend my case. I'd been set up.... By none other than the man sentencing me to death. The Leader of the Obsidian Circle . I turn and lock eyes with him.  I see an adders smile. He's won. And he knows it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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