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(Slight manga spoilers, not too much)
No one's pov:
Takeomi and Shinichiro stared at each other without moving. It all happened so fast for them. The last thing they remembered was being pushed onto the couch by the gremlins and next thing they know, their hair was tied with little bows, their nails were painted, and they had little lipgloss on their lips. They turned to the younger children, the girls looked proud of themselves while the boys were rolling on the floor, laughing at them. "Emma, Senju.. what's all this?" Shinichiro started. The girls turned to him as Emma replied, "We made you two look pretty!" "We weren't pretty before?" Takeomi asked. "No. That's why we gave you a makeover of course." Senju looked very happy with her statement, the boys however, started sulking. Emma noticed and asked them, "why are you sad? We made you guys pretty so you should be smiling." Shinichiro smiled and put his little sister on his lap. "Of course, you're right Emma, we should be happy. Thank you for making big brother all pretty." Emma smiled and hugged her older brother. "Shinichiro looks like a girl!" Keisuke said all of sudden, making the older boy freeze. A mark was visible on his face, showing his irritation at the statement made but he stayed quiet and smiled. "Senju.. does big brother look prettier now? Are you happy?" Senju looked at Takeomi as if she was analyzing his face. "Not exactly, you need more lip gloss but it's okay for now." She smiled at her brother proudly while he sat there in shock before sulking again. The others all laughed at him. Senju went up to her other older brother and tugged on his shirt. Haru looked at her confused. "What's wrong Senju?" "Brother I want a piggyback ride!" Haru smiled and let his sister get on his back. Mikey looked at Emma and walked up to her. "Emma get on my back too!" His sister looked at him confused. "Why?" "Because I want you to." She sighed and got on his back. Haruchiyo and Mikey ran around the room with their sisters on their back. Baji looked at the Sano siblings and thought Aw man, I wanted to give  Emma a piggyback ride. Stupid Mikey.

The two older boys walked up to their respective siblings and stopped them from running. They each picked up their younger sister and looked at their brothers. "Stop running around with people on your backs you two. You all could get hurt." Shinichiro ruffled Mikey's hair as he scolded them. "But it's fun!" "It won't be fun once you get hurt, now come on, we need to get Keisuke home to his mom." The children pouted. "Takeomi-nii, does that mean we have to go home too?" Haru asked his brother. "Yes we do and so does Baji. It's getting late so go put your shoes on, alright?" The younger akashis nodded and got their shoes. "See you later Shin." Takeomi waved at the four people inside before guiding his siblings home. "I wanted Senju to stay over." Emma said while pouting. "It's alright Emma, you'll see her again tomorrow I promise. Now come on Keisuke, let's get you home."

Shinichiro knocked on the door to Keisuke's place and his mother opened it. "Ah Shinichiro, thank you for bringing Keisuke home.—she looked at the younger children— hello Emma and Manjiro." Emma and Mikey waved at Mrs.Baji. "Mom can't I stay at their house tonight?" "You're already here Kei, you'll see them tomorrow." Emma noticed how sad Baji looked that he had to leave. "Shin-nii?" Shinichiro looked down towards his sister. "Yes Emma?" "Can't Mikey and I spend the night here? We don't want to leave Keisuke." Baji and Mikey looked at Shin with pleading eyes. "I- well... don't give me those eyes you gremlins!—he lets out a sigh— ugh fine, as long as it's okay with you Mrs.Baji." He looks towards the older woman in front of him. She smiles and nods, agreeing to let them stay. The children smiled and jumped up in victory.

"Did you three plan this or something?" Baji's mom asked. The children froze and looked at each other nervously while slightly sweating. "Would you believe us if we said no?" Mikey asked. "No." Both the teenager and older woman said bluntly. "Oh well, there's no stopping these three I guess. I'll pick them up tomorrow at noon then and I'll come back with some clothes for them as well." "Alright, see you in a bit and have a good night Shinichiro." She waved him off as she led the kids inside. "Would you three like some peyoung yakisoba?" (No one's gonna share so don't worry, that's bajifuyu's thing lol). The kids all nodded their heads. "Alright then, I'll call you when it's ready so go play." The children all ran to Baji's room after that.

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