Your First Encounter

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*note; i wrote he/her boy/girl because any gender reader could be reading this so i've made sure both genders are included as options to read*

You had a busy day, all you wanted to do was drop everything and sleep. At last, all your exams were done with and you'll never see them again!

After unpacking your school bag and changing into pyjamas you decided to lay down and sprawl out on your bed, staring demandingly at the Nerve Gear you had bought before school yesterday. A small smile spread on your face as you set it up and got into a comfy position before happily putting on the device and calling out "link start!". It wasn't long before you were logged into the magical world of Sword Art Online, roaming around on your own adventure, levelling up and earning new skills.

It was a free world, anyone could do anything they wanted. A player at a low level was gathering resources nearby, as soon as you spotted him you hid and waited for the perfect moment. You sniggered excitedly to yourself as you drew out your sword, keeping a sharp eye on your victim. You lept out from hiding and sprinted quickly towards the other player, laughing insanely as you slashed and stabbed the poor guy until he exploded into a beautiful heap of shining blue pixels.

Ever since you had played SAO you've been an orange player. You enjoyed hearing the screams and shouts of agony of your victims, the Laughing Coffins were your idol and you've always waited for the day that they allowed you to join their guild! You clenched your fists tightly and moved on, swiftly sprinting away from the scene.

You arrived at a dark, empty area, you was familiar with the place but you wasn't quite sure so you pressed onwards cautiously peering around. You let out a proud gasp as soon as you realised where you were, the Laughing Coffin's hideout.

It seemed a bit too quiet, you couldn't see anyone around, or hear anything, (which wasn't much of a surprise seeming as you haven't raised your listening/spy skills at all) it was completely empty.

You examined more and raised a brow as you saw a rusty can not far in front of you. You stiffened yourself and stared around, 'it had to be some sort of distraction, why else would it be there?' You thought as you waited for some sort of ambush.

"KICK THE CAAAANN!!" A loud shout pierced the silence and a player, a member of the infamous guild, emerged from the darkness dashing towards the can. Another emerged closely behind, this one wore a skull mask, you was very certain that he was Red-Eyed XaXa! You leapt into the shadows and watched curiously, 'is this really what they get up to?' 'What's kick the can?' 'Shouldn't these guys be out killing other players?' So many thoughts buzzed through your mind.

"Johnny you're not winning again this time!" XaXa smiled greatly as he started to tread ahead of the other player, nearing the can. "Shut up XaXa! Get out of my way!" Johnny Black grabbed and tugged XaXa's cloak, pulling him back so he could get the can, he urged himself forwards and attempted to kick the can, failing as the masked man tackled him down to the ground.

"Uurrgh noo!!" Johnny struggled under the other player desperately wanting to get back up. He grunted as he tried to push him off, faint laughs and chuckles could be heard all around the area. Three random guild members ran in and dived onto the two, one grabbed hold of XaXa and rolling back to allow Johnny to get up, while the other two ran past in pursuit of Johnny.

"What are you doing!? Let go!" XaXa demanded and kicked the player's knee then elbowed his chin, allowing himself to crawl free from the player's grasp. He ran for Johnny, who was already standing by the can. "Johnny! You dare kick that can I'll slice you open!" He gritted his teeth and sped towards his fellow companion, shoving the other players out of his way.

Johnny cackled and slowly raised his foot, waiting a few seconds before violently kicking the can towards XaXa. You kept watch and smiled to yourself, leaning your head slightly as you shuffle to get a little more comfy in your hiding spot. 'Johnny Black, and XaXa, who knew these guys would be so serious about a can...' You thought to yourself, tapping a finger on your knee and staring down at the ground as you pondered for an answer.

"Haha, hey, XaXa," Johnny's voice seemed louder than what it was before, you blinked and snapped back into reality, seeing the crazy teen kneeling right in front of you. "lookie at what i found~" he grabs your arm and tugs you out into the open, most of the other guild members had sprung out of the darkness, smiling and clenching onto their weapons. "What should we do with this little one hmm?" He peered over at you and pulled out his dagger, waving it slowly around your neck.

"Well," XaXa approached you and smiled cunningly "an orange player, you're pretty brave turning up here all on your own." He snickered and turned to Johnny, "PoH would most possibly appreciate a new member in the guild, but we can't be too open, we don't know what this one is capable of." He turned his head slightly and peered at you with concern.

Your breathing staggered slightly, you stared at Johnny for a few seconds trying to see his face, seeing nothing as it was covered in a fine wrap of fabric, only his eyes were visible if you looked hard enough through the dark shadow that the hood cast over his forehead. His eyes squinted a little as if he was smiling, "can we find more players and play a game with them?" he called out to XaXa, tightening his grip on your arm.

"And what sort of game are you thinking of?" The masked man turned his attention to you and Johnny, tilting his head slightly. "The one where they have to fight to the death! Last one standing wins!" He clenched his fist excitedly and laughed a little at the end of his sentence. "We played that last time," a hoarse voice spoke and a shadowy figure stepped in behind XaXa, "and you killed the winner anyway." It stared gravely at Johnny and let out a sigh.

"P-PoH, you're uh...back early, what happened?" Johnny stuttered and let go of your arm, chuckling nervously and stepping back a little. "Never mind what I done, what have we here?" PoH trudged towards you and examined you. "Another orange one. I'm guessing you've come in hope to join the guild?"

"Yes, I am." You raise your head bravely and loosely clench your fists, staring directly at the stranger that towered over you. He leans his head to the side in thought then finally spoke, "There's no way I'm stupid enough to immediately allow you into the guild. But first, let's see what you can do." he waved a hand to signal you to follow behind, leading you to two large doors which seemed to be the entrance to some sort of boss. "If you can beat this boss on your own, you may join. If you die in there, thats your loss." He pressed a hand on one of the doors and pushed it open, the other automatically opening in sync. "I'll be waiting." He spoke with an amused tone and stepped aside to let you pass through.

"PoH!" Johnny Black ran up and stepped beside him, "I want to fight too." he spoke boldly and stared at his leader, who simply sighed. "Listen, Johnny, this is not your fight. Get back." The two stared silently at each other until the younger male peered away and scowled. "Fine." He stepped back and eyed you with jealousy, PoH pointed into the dark room. "In there you'll find a boss. Fight him. I doubt you'll win on your own." He snickered.

"Wait. I want Johnny to come too." You smiled at him before glancing up at the deadly leader, "You said I couldn't do it alone, so I want him to come with me." You stepped over and pulled Johnny beside you, who immediately retaliated and shoved your hand away violently. PoH glared coldly then spoke with an irritated tone, "OK, bring him with you. If it's what you want to do then do it, but don't think he'll help you if you're running low on health." he crossed his arms and looked into the large dark room. "Go, before I change my mind."

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