When Cuddles Striked Back!

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I was pushed against my wall, my hands were slippery with sweat and my chest was rising up and down- fast! I prepared to face my fate as my teddy bear crawled towards me. With a knife. The knife had a sharp edge an from the glimmer of the moon I could see blood dripping from the knife!

I tried to run but my teddy bear was stronger than I expected. I was pushed back onto the floor and my head hit the radiator with a thwak. It made a lound gong type noise and it wasn't long until I eard the familiar shuffles of my parents slippers shuffeling down the hall way.

They twisted the nob on the door and entered my room. At first they didn't see the bear they only saw me. They questioned as to what I was doing out of bed at three in the morning when out of nowhere my teddy came flying at them kicking them down to the ground. It was then that I discovered my teddy bear was evil as is sliced my parents faces up into shreads regerdless of my screaming.

My parents lay stone cold dead on the floor as I waited for my fate to come to me.

''Elle, do as I say and you will not be harmed, do as I say and no more people shall be killed just do as I say''! roared the teddy bear.

I nodded my head up and down my eye wide with fear, all the blood was rushing to my head I could feel my head pumping.

''You never liked me, you would cuddle me at night make sure I was warm, you would take me everywhere. Until, until you went to school. You thought you were to old, you stuffed me at the back of your wardrobe and carried on with your new life at school while I sat there day after day collecting dust. And now I will get the love I deserve!''

'' What do you mean?''

''I mean, you will be my slave, and soon once you help me, I will be the demander of everyone. They will bow at my feat and beg for mercy while I burn them alive, they will scream for help when i drown them in ice cold water and they will die slowly in every possible way and then when I have killed everyone, there will be no one left to be at your school, then you can give me the love I deserve!''

''You cant do that!'' Elle exclaimed.

''Oh yeah, watch me''!

And with that the teddy jumped out the window!

Thats it I have to escape! Elle thought to herself! She grabbed her school bag and emptied it she filled her water bottle up with ribena and put to apples, 6 cookies, another bottle of water and a picture frame of her with her mum and dad. A tear rolled down her cheek onto the picture as she touched the picture. This teddy had taken to much and she wasn't going to stand for it.

She went down stairs and opened the front door.

''Going somewhere?, i dont think so!''

The teddy bear grinned up at her it's knife in one hand, was this it, was this her time to die. She barley had time to think as the knife came slamming down!

''WAIT!'' she cried.

The teddy bear continued to fly at her and she quickly rolled along the carpet out of the way of the knife. The teddy continued to fly and the knife plunged into the floor. He yanked it out with an almighty pull.

''What do you want with me?''

''Be my slave, get me 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bombs''! replied the teddy.


And with that the teddy bear was killed. On the spot, Elle didn't even touch him.

A spirit came out of the teddy it ws white, and it told Elle that the teddy had died from pure hatred. And in return for not giving into the teddys demends, the spirit would repay her with two lives of her choice, Elle picked her parents.

Elle lived happily ever after...

But not foer long the teddy came bak alive and did actually kill everyone on the planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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