Chapter 38

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I walked around the beach, my mind in a different time zone

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I walked around the beach, my mind in a different time zone. I couldn't get rid of the delicious feeling of Reid's hands all over my body and his deep voice in my ear. I took a deep breath of the salty air and admired the view of the sky when the sun winds down below the horizon.

Taking a break I found an abandoned beach chair sitting meters away from the shore. The large umbrella hovering over me shielded my eyes from the sun's harsh rays. I looked over to where the kids played, Bailey was within the group, interacting with the rest of the kids. He helps a little girl with blonde curly hair build her sandcastle.

I giggled to myself watching the two. It was obvious Bailey had a crush on her. He followed all her directions and protected her from the rest of the little boys who insisted on pulling her curls for fun.

"Cute aren't they," said an unfamiliar voice from beside me. I snapped my neck to see a man fully dressed in a light gray suit, he sat in the chair next to me, his hands folded neatly on top of his lap.

"Do I know you?" I asked, lifting a brow. I looked back at the kids, feeling slightly on edge. There are some real creeps out there in the world and I won't hesitate to kick his ass off the beach if it comes down to it.

He turned his head, his jet-black hair unblocking my view of his face. His eyes were grey and the danger that coursed through them sent a eerie chill down my spine. The corner of his lips stretched up, not exactly a smirk nor a smile. "No, but I bet you want to," his knuckles brushed over my cheeks, they were bruised and purple.

I slapped his hand off of me feeling disgusted by his touch. "Don't touch me," I cut my eyes, glaring at him. "I don't want to know you."

"Oh but your boyfriend sure does," he clicked his tongue. "I got to see his mother and cousin up close. I couldn't resist getting a look at his girlfriend too. He does have taste. I'll give him that. That doesn't change the fact that he's been stirring up trouble around this city."

My heartbeat rang in my ears, the eyes of Dex burning into me. "Are you going to beat me up too? Is that how you solve your problems? You're too weak to confront a man so you come to his girl instead?" I raised my brows, anger boiling in my voice.

"Watch it," he scowled. "I only did what had to be done. I can't let your boyfriend and his family ruin what took years for me to build. The only thing  I care about in this world is my money and he's getting in the way of it. I came here to deliver a kind message, if you will,  that I'd like you to pass on," he leaned in closer, his gray eyes staring directly into mine.

"Now I could put a hit on him and make it look like he followed in his friend's footsteps or you can tell him to simply, " he shrugged his shoulders, looking back out to the shore. "Back off. Don't ask about me. Don't look for me. Pretty simple don't you think Sweetie," he flashed a cold smile.

I scoffed a similar smile stretched upon my face, a laugh floating carelessly between my lips. I sat up and looked to the side in astonishment, scoffing. I turned back around abruptly, my fist swung down on the lower side of his face. His head flew to the side. His eyes pointed up at me, the scowl on his lips returning. "Didn't expect a girl to fight back?" I seethed standing up to my feet and tilting my head. 

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