7.0 | Give it a chance. (Requested)

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"This one was wild, babe" you heard your mothers voice, followed by the noise of keys. "Y/n, where are you?" Taylor came straight looking for you.

"Hey, mom. In my room, here." You called, laying on your bed, with your AirPods on. You looked at your door frame, just to see Taylor there, with her phone in her ear, all giggly and happy. You smiled and whispered 'who is it?'

"Alright, talk to you later. Love you, sleep tight." She laughed and signed off the call. "Hey honey, how was your day at school?" She sat next to you in bed.

"Same as always. Boring lessons but practice was great." you said "what about you? Who left you all smiles?" You said, hoping for a three letter response. "Was it dad?"

Taylor looked at you almost apologetically.

"Nothing from him yet, I'm sorry precious." She hugged you. It was your birthday two weeks ago, and though your mother gave you the most amazing day ever, you knew something was missing.  Your father, Joe. He didn't mind calling, or text, or mail you a gift. Nothing. It was your fourteenth birthday, such a special mark on any girl's life, in which she'd need her father's presence.

"Don't mention it. So, about my birthday, is it really happening?" You asked. Taylor had given the idea to throw you a beautiful party, for both your birthdays, fourteenth and fifteenth. However, you didn't feel comfortable with the amount of money that would be spent, even if she reassured you that she had lots of it, meaning, you could easily have two parties. But you only wanted one. Your fifteenth. A party for the closest family that the world would eventually find out about. She was more excited than you could ever be, but you finally wrapped your head around that ideia, so you started to be as excited as she.

"Hell yeah, kid! It's going to be a blast. We should start looking for gowns." She said.

"But mom, it's still one and a half years away!"

"Regardless! Which color do you want it to be, beb?" She said, sitting on your bed next to you. 

"Blue." you said.

"Blue? But your favorite color is green, honey. Are you sure you want a blue gown?" She frowned.

"Yeah. Blue is dad's favorite color. I want blue." You said back, not having the courage to look at your mother. You knew you'd cry if you did.

"Okay, I'll look for them. Sleeves?" She asked, trying to brush it off. It still hurt her. Taylor and Joe had broken up when you were only ten. It took you some getting used to it, and a lot of sleepless nights. You still wanted your parents to be together. Taylor seemed healed and happy. It didn't seem to affect her, at least not anymore. And you missed your dada. Lately, you were very rebellious over this topic. Anything involving a man that wasn't your father or whenever someone talked shit about him around you, it would send you over a massive tantrum. You started to understand things you didn't want to. You started to see your mom hang out with people that weren't your dad, but you didn't see your dad do the same. Perhaps he didn't have paparazzi chasing him 24/7, but your young mind didn't understand that,at least not back then.

But, the games have changed now. You became wiser. Smarter. It all made sense now, and it sent chills down your spine just to think about it. Mainly to remember it.


Father's Day - three years ago.

You woke up, more excited than you had ever been. It was Father's Day, and Joe had promised you he'd pick you up from Taylor's to have a father-daughter moment. You even woke up earlier, just to get your hair done, your nails painted. Taylor was aware of your excitement, and though she really hated Joe at the moment, she knew you still cared about him. Afterall, he was your father. So, for that reason, she knew how to put their differences aside for your sake. It was currently eleven in the morning, and Taylor was still halfway through getting your hair done. You chose curls, and you looked beautiful. Your makeup was finished and you were dressed. In around thirty minutes, you'd see your father again, after almost one year without seeing him. He reached out to apologize for your birthday - again-  and this was more of a makeup call.

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