Welp, time to die!

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For some reason. Some bizarre reason. You wanted to freeze to death. I mean to be fair. You're a runaway teenager working at the shitty gas station at the edge of town and JUST got done dealing with some Dark God and seeing the closest thing you have to a father by this point die. And you're stepdad's still after you!

So by this point. Who would blame you if you wanted to die? You're on the run plus you are still working at the shitty gas station at the edge of town which is basically a hidden death sentence. So maybe this isn't so weird or strange. You were probably just expecting this.

So here you are. It first started with you in the gas station. Cleaning out the bathrooms, trying to wash that everlasting blood stain, restocking the chips. You know, the usual. Until you just stopped and turned your head to the front glass.

It looked normal at first. The glass looked the same as it always was. That was until you found a hobo... With a blender? Since when does a guy carry a God damn blender out of all things?

You just raised an eyebrow at him for a second. Hoping he didn't do anything weird. Hopefully for a second since Jack and Jerry are gone for now. Where were they anyway? Playing poker or something? God only knows. The only thing you knew was that you're in another form of bullshit it seems.

You just ignored it for a while. You minded your own business and looked at the clock. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the hobo to leave you alone or buy something like a normal person. It felt like ages, your hair going straight up and sweat forming in your armpits as you felt that hobo's presence. You took a deep breath and sighed. Wondering how the actual FUCK is this guy's problem?

Ok, just act cool and calm [Name]. He's just like everything else in the Gas Station. Just a weird phenomenon who is just messing with me! You thought He was not going to be that bad! Probably some absolute weirdo at the most. Or something else like that. He's not him or any other weirdo that no one would like. He's just some dude! Nothing more, nothing less!

You carefully went to the glass. Sneaking like some random cartoon character or something as you went closer and closer. The hobo only stared at you with utter confusion in his eyes. He then decided to do something fucked up. Something so messed up that it made you almost throw up. Something so DIABOLICAL that you don't even know if you would be the same again.

The hobo pulled out a squirrel, an innocent squirrel who was screaming and shouting as much as it could. Because the poor thing was captured in the filthy hermit's disgusting grasp. He began to laugh like a maniac as he casually threw the thing in and pulled the metaphorical trigger to power the blender.

The squirrel's screams were soon muffled by the sound of it being chopped into bits by the blender. Its guts and blood and bones all coming out of it and staining the poor glass of the blender. The sound became unbearable, disgusting even. Your will to even tolerate it decreased significantly as you looked away. Usually, you were used to something like this. You were used to seeing crazy things that shouldn't be seen by anyone. Let alone normal everyday people.

The sight of SUCH a thing made you tremble. It made you look so worried and distressed, remembering the painful moments of the past. You almost fell to your knees as you remembered that time your stepdad beat you up for no reason. The times that made you feel like you should get rid of your life.

The poor squirrel, that poor, poor squirrel. He died and you couldn't do anything about it. How could you not help this poor little guy because you were a little too much of a stupid coward too? This made you sick to your stomach. You couldn't do it. You can never control yourself, do you? Little shit.

Out of sheer trauma and self-hatred, you ran towards the beer cooler and went in. You were only wearing a short-sleeved shirt. So freezing yourself would be very easy. You went in, stopped crying, and lay down on the ground. Letting the warmth leave you for a second.

And that's where you are now. Freezing to death in some shitty beer cooler at the edge of town. It was a weird form of suicide attempt. But you didn't care at all. You needed to die, you could hear that piece of crap of a stepfather from whatever hell scolding you for some reason.

"You deserve it little shit! You deserve to suffer like this! No one truly loves you anyway! You will face the might of reality!"

It took a while for you to fully freeze. But it sure made you freeze a lot. You're shivering and feel your body decaying. You deserved it. But then something happened.

Of course, something had to happen like this. Your life is never normal anymore, so when you hear the door open. You jumped back in surprise.

The man opened the door and took a couple of steps into the cooler. A frown on his face as he looked at you.

"Kid? What the hell are you doing in the beer cooler?" Said Spencer Middleton, the sociopath who liked you for some reason. He sounded stern, but a little worried too. "Oh God no, you must be colder than a well-digger's ass in January!"

"What?" You said, feeling a little confused. "Look, Spencer. I can explain, I thought I needed to d-"

Spencer immediately picked you up like nothing. Dude just decided to do it anyway. He sounded soft as he explained it.

"Don't think about doing that kid, I think we need to warm you up." He said, sounding fatherly in a way. He got up and dragged you out. Walking out of the shitty gas station and into the outside. Which was basically colder. "And you probably need some love too. You look like a ghost!"

You narrowed your eyes when he went inside his Mustang with you in his arms. He pulled out some blankets and made it a little comfortable for some reason. He then sat down on the backseat and sat you on his lap.

"Wait what are you doing man?" You asked, still shivering. "Is that really going to be ness-"

Spencer just pulled you closer, your head to his chest. He held you in his embrace, wrapping a blanket to make sure you're fully warm. For a murderer, he was very comforting. Being warm and nice as he scratched your hair. Smiling as he looked down at you.

"Don't worry, this is necessary," He said, resting his chin on your head. He wanted to kiss you, but you'd probably think it the wrong way. So he didn't. "Y'know kiddo, I love you. I always thought you were my son,"


"You what?" You said, super shocked as you felt his warmth. You wanted to snuggle with him a little more even though you'd be out for work. "But I'm just some random runaway! How could you think that wa-"

"Shhh, no kid. Don't say that about yourself," Spencer said, he then decided to do it. He gently kissed your head, rubbing your head. "Since you don't have any good parental figures anyway. I'm going to be your dad. And I'll raise you and treat you like what you deserve, okay?"

Well, that explains why he's so thoughtful.

"I love you. Okay, kiddo?" He asked.

You just sighed and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Sure man," you said back, feeling a little bit better. You then fell asleep in his arms. You feel a little bit of peace for once.

The End.

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