Chapter Twenty Five: Throne

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The magic laced in the devil's ministrations left me panting, as he went about manipulating me in the air one more. My mind was spinning with that same, singular need he had raised to life inside of me tonight.

Let me cum.

Let me break into a thousand, tiny, fractured pieces of myself. I want to be scattered into the cosmos at your command - send me there, so that I never return from that unholy void again.


My body writhed with that plea, as Sebastian continued to shift me.

I wished that there was more relief to be had in being turned right side up again. All it did was intensify that infuriating ache as all of the blood returned to places that were already throbbing. As it flowed, my nipples tightened in excitement as Sebastian's eyes followed mine.

My stomach clenched with excitement, as I caught a rather foreboding glint in his eyes as he slowly freed me from my invisible binds. That wasn't what sent me welling with unabashed desire, though.

It was the fear of what unspoken comminations laid in those dark eyes that made my essence drip from my cunt. That excitement coated my numbed tongue just as much as the wetness that dripped down my thighs.

My knees wobbled as Sebastian began to set me back down onto the stone, and I shivered as I hadn't noticed until now that I had lost my shoes along the way. The balls of my feet chafed against the rugged stone as my body ached to stretch out the lingering fuzziness of my rigid muscles.

Sebastian, however, had no such compunction for my current level of discomfort.

He only sought to increase it as he took advantage of my brief stupor, surprising me as he yanked a handful of my hair into his fingers.

"I'm afraid there's no rest for the wicked, little savior." His fingers gripped into my scalp by that matted mess of hair, it had been well shaken out of its original braid now. I felt the whimper in my throat die out as he used the leverage of my tresses to hurl me against one of the pillars.

"There will be no such repose for miserable, perverse little whores like you." I barely heard him over my own footfalls, as I tumbled to catch myself against the pillar by my hands. That had been all according to his design, though, as I felt phantom shackles take hold of my wrists. They tugged at my arms until they were painfully outstretched, leaving my palms pressed against the stone.

I ached to stretch the tension out of my muscles, as Sebastian went about setting me on the ground.He'd grabbed me by the hair, which was well past being held in its original braid, forcing me forward until my hands met one of the pillars. I felt those invisible binds around my wrists again, this time chaining both hands to the stone so that they were outstretched rather painfully.

Sebastian's touch was only seconds behind the confusion that settled into me, his hands now grabbing at my thighs eagerly. In his rough grasp, he forced both of my legs apart until I had no choice but to awkwardly arch my body backwards. I'd been forced into rearing my ass into the air for him so that I did not break under the strain of the position.

I shivered as I felt him tear the remaining bit of clothing I had left, watching as he tossed that skirt onto the floor in front of us.

My knees wobbled as the cool air of the Undercroft brushed up against my ass, though what truly had me quivering was the exhilaration that combed through whatever lingering trepidation had dithered inside of me.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now