☆ Forgiven ♡

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(Hello^^ it's been a week+! And that means... we're back!♡♡ idk why- but I'm just chilling so let's get on with it? :D
@EllaButCallMe_E , @Inurshadow , @Raininnit846 , @Willowsprinkles , @Imsolonely123456789 , @evqq_bt , Moonstar (@xXxbtgtxXx) , @Aphmau_rulz12345 lalala!! I'm screaming- like.. idk why but AHHHHHH, I feel weird y'all-.. idk but! I'm just rlly hyped for this chapter and later chapters^^ my gosh zamn mind man we got me hoping back and fourth... XD 🎪🎶🥰)(⚠️⚠️MENTION: of r@pe, cute(I guess) moments!!⚠️⚠️)

*~Ein's POV~*

"Darling..?" Pierce asks

"Y-yeah.." I asked

"You wanna go.. back into the living room? I'm getting kinda worried, about the whole Leif, and Noi thing!" He replied

"Oh! Yeah.. that's a good idea Love," I say

"Let's go..!" I replied,

Pierce helped me out of the bathroom, another memory hits me.
What the hell... these things just come out of no where, and- it hurts... it makes me feel even worse I know Pierce told me I shouldn't be sorry-.. but, I-I can't help it! I feel to guilty about it! And pierce isn't addressing this the way I hoped he would. Even though it would hurt for him to be mad at me... I just- would prefer him say how he feels, rather than graze it over. And us talk about the fact that.. I want to apologize! I would love that! And for him to say he doesn't forgive me? I'd fucking kill! It's a weird want.. but- I want him to be upset with me,

"Lovely?!" Pierce shouts putting his hands on my shoulders, gazing down at me

"I-... please- I'm.. I- I know you don't want me to apologize but I-.."

Pierce kisses me interrupting the rest of my 'stutter-ful' conversation could've been!

"Can we talk once they leave?.. at least... if you really feel like it's unavoidable-" Pierce said

"And you're acting like it isn't!!" I replied,

"Please, look.. we'll address this in a moment but they're going to leave first. Okay?" He said sternly,

I nod, and he continues to help me out into the Living room. We stand there for a moment as Leif, and Noi continues to babble on, and Kal, and aph try to calm down this goddamn ruckus!

"Ahem.. look I hate to break this up! But you guys have gotta go-" Pierce said

"Thank you.." Kal sighed walking out the door, then peeking back in. "Feel better Ein, I'll text you later. And shove that bitch into a ditch!"  Kal said, completely leaving-

"C'mon on Leif.." Noi said

"Oh- if you fucking insist!" Leif replied walking out of the door annoyed

"Oh, come on!!!" Noi yelled chasing Leif.

"Bye Ein! I'll call you later.. just- text me if things get off, or you need anything! Or if things get off balance here-" aphmau smiles, before she hugs me lightly.

"We'll be okay.. but thanks." I sigh, closing my eyes and patting her on the back slightly.

"Bye!" She said exiting me and Pierce's house closing the door behind her.

I look back up at him, is he going to say something or..-*👹another memory👺*

"Gah..." I said, tugging on the collar of my shirt

Pierce looks at me, he pulls me into another soft hug. I don't want him to be like this, he can be here for me! But- I would like him to acknowledge that he's upset... at least!

The Two Husbands (EinxPierce)(book 2)Where stories live. Discover now