Friendzone? //PJM *not Edited* 8k

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All I ever remember is living in that house and I wish to live there forever. And that might happen because I'm an only child, but I certainly didn't grow up as an only child,

The neighbourhood brought us up all together.

2017, Spring

"the project is fun and simple! We're exploring our own history. To dabble into research of your own background before delving deeper into archeology and things... This is of course, pair work because we have a lot of students and not that much time. Pair up and let me know. I'm giving you 5 minutes. After that, I'll give you more details for the project"

The eight grade history teacher introduced the project that she's been teasing we must do for awhile. I sighed in relief, because it's an easy thing.

I looked to my side and there he sat. My best friend since I've remembered being in that house.

I leaned over my desk to the side and poked him with the back of my pen.

"Ouuch!" he pouted and whined while looking back at me, knowing that I'm the only one that does that to him from that direction, so he always amplifies his reactions.

"Wanna be partners?" I asked smiling. He's the only person I know with my whole heart that's in the same class. My other friends being in upper, lower and different classes.

Amd he knows everyone. He always knows everyone.

"Sure" he smiled and got back to chatting with others.

But my heart kept bouncing in my chest.

After the five minutes were over, the teacher calmed the class down and began inquiring the pairs.

Eventually she looked at me.

"Lee Aurum with Park Jimin" I stated. We were the only pair in class that was a boy and girl duo and I always felt proud of that, of our friendship.

Other girls in my class would look weirdly at me or in jealousy, because why would a guy like Jimin choose to dance with me?

Because we're neighbours since I could remember.

And I've liked him ever since I learned that romantic relationships exist.


2022, Autumn

Now it's our last year of high school. Jimin is waiting for me in my room, laying on my bed and laughing on his phone while watching something.

"What are you even doing here? Can't you wait outside? My mom loves you" I rolled my eyes and sighed, walking to my dresser where my clothes sat, thinking of what to wear now that my makeup is ready.

Jimin threw his phone to the side and rolled over to look at me with his head held by his palms, slightly squishing his cheeks, making him look adorable.

But lately, he's been acting anything but adorable. Ever since starting high school. But he's been the same to me.

"But I like being here Aru~, plus I'll know exactly when you're ready so we could go" he replied looking at my back as I skimmed through various pants and skirts.

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