13. Beneath The Pine

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Tea and snacks were served after they settled in a garden pagoda.

Zhang Furen and Xu Furen went off to discuss, leaving Xu Weiyan with Lord Zhang and Lord Xu.

Lord Zhang and Lord Xu started off with small talk, and Lord Zhang asked Weiyan how she was, commending her accomplishments again.

Tea was served with flower cakes, as the two men lightly discussed the daily happenings of Yue City, and Weiyan busied herself by admiring the garden.

But soon the discussion moved to a more serious topic, which made Lord Zhang's brows draw together.

"I hear the disciples went after ten ghosts this month alone?" Lord Zhang began. "What could be causing this?"

Weiyan's ears twitched. Having just returned, she had not completely caught wind of the Sect's problems.

"Hmmmm." Lord Xu sounded tired. "In addition to those ten, there were sixteen evil spirits, and five of those were so powerful that I and the elders personally stepped in."

"What?!" Lord Zhang dropped his own cup.

"We had to keep the evil spirits a secret, so there won't be a panic." Lord Xu explained. "At first I assumed it was erosion, because of the ancient crypts found near the base of the mountain.

"They've been untended for thousands of years, so if the graves are unseated-."

"- a restless occupant might awaken and start causing trouble!" Lord Zhang completed. "Not to mention what happened in that temple!"

Both men sighed, drinking their tea in silence.

But then Lord Zhang eventually said:

"Xu Feng, you came to visit me, though I saw you yesterday?" Lord Zhang had been at Yue City's gates, but had left to attend some business, before Weiyan arrived.

The Sky Emperor's Decree had asked everyone to greet Weiyan at Yue City's gates, so almost everyone had been present.

Lord Xu nodded. "I came to discuss with your son today. Forgive us for intruding."

"Ah, you are here for A-Cheng's marriage to Weiyan? A-Cheng has been away on secluded cultivation, but he'll be back today! Don't worry! If you want the wedding to happen sooner, we will be accommodating!"

Weiyan stiffened, but Lord Xu quickly waved a hand in front of his face.

"Ah no no, it's not that! Ehehe, We agreed to let the children achieve a certain potential before marriage. Yan yan is a genius, and I still want her to serve as a Disciple for a while... Perhaps in four years?"

Lord Zhang gave no reply, and Lord Xu gave a small cough.

"Ahem! For today, we came to see the 2nd Young Master."

Lord Zhang nearly dropped his teacup. 'Luoyin?!' He thought with some surprise, then forced a smile. "Haha, hope Luoyin hasn't done anything to offend you or your family?!"

But Lord Xu shook his head. "On the contrary! The 2nd Young Master greatly helped us yesterday! If not for him, I'm afraid High Immortal Sun would have cheated Yan Yan.

"We have come to thank the young man!" Lord Xu finished. "His knowledge on beasts is also commendable. If possible, I want him to oversee the whole process with the Divine Light Tiger and her cub!"

"Our A-Yin?!" Lord Zhang had already left by the time Weiyan arrived with the procession, so he had only heard the story from one of the servants.

But he hadn't believe it!

Recently, 'useless' was an understatement for his second son, and the boy didn't even show his face or speak! In fact, he just realized he had not seen Luoyin in months.

Xu FengYan resisted the urge to shake his head, noting his friend's bad habit.

The habit of measuring a person's worth, based on how they could benefit him, his level, or his family.

He could see the disbelief in his friend's eyes, and yet he had suddenly referred to Luoyin as 'Our A-Yin'. An endearing term he hadn't used in years, simply because Xu FengYan was suddenly interested in Luoyin

He had seen a similar attitude in Zhang Cheng, and that was why he couldn't let Weiyan marry now.

He wanted her to be old and strong enough to handle any changing tides in the Zhang household.

Meanwhile, Weiyan sat properly, keeping quiet as the men discussed.

She pretended she couldn't hear them, and she looked around the garden, her irises taking in the beautiful scenery.

She had always liked this particular garden, but hadn't visited in years, and her last time here had also been the last time she had spoken to Zhang Luoyin before the previous night.

A memory drifted forth, reminding her of how a ten year old Luoyin had brought her to this garden and boldly declared, "You will be my wife in the future! Don't worry, I will become a capable cultivator, and take care of you! Tee hee!"

How ironic.

The last time she had seen him here, he had boldly cancelled their engagement in front of her father.

Weiyan sighed.

~"Yan Wei."~ A voice whispered in her head, and she started in surprise.

It was the softest whisper. As if it came from within her.

~"Yan Wei."~ The whisper repeated.

'Telepathy!' She guessed, looking around.

But she saw no one but Lord Zhang and her father.

Also, the voice had said 'Yan Wei', instead of 'Weiyan', and it sounded nothing like the Light Tiger, or Immortal Sun Liang. The fairies had also left, once they settled in the Light Tiger.

Yet it felt familiar, and there was a mild pull urging her to leave and follow the voice.

~"Yan Wei."~ The whisper sounded softer, yet closer. Like someone whispering right in her ear.

Weiyan instantly shot to her feet, and the two men looked up at her.

"Yan Yan, are you okay?" Her father asked, and she hastily cupped her hands and bowed to both of them.

"My apologies." She thought quickly. "I just remembered I prepared a gift for 2nd Young Master Zhang! The households are not too far apart, so I will hurry and get it."

"Ah, how thoughtful! And so well-mannered!" Zhang Guo praised her, conveniently forgetting there was a time he hadn't wanted Xu Weiyan in the Zhang family.

At her father's nod of permission, Weiyan politely bowed again, then excused herself  and hurried out toward the outer courtyard.

But she changed direction suddenly, and headed inwards, going further into the Zhang residence.

She couldn't hear the voice again, but she still felt that mild pull, and her feet moved on their own till she reached a large pine tree in a small garden.

The Pine tree had existed for several generations, and it was one of the prides of the Zhang household.

It was also one of the things Weiyan liked the most about this place.

She had always loved pine trees, and had spent a large part of her childhood climbing the ones in the forest, and then reading in their shadowy branches.

Now facing the aged pine, Weiyan could spot a shadow in its shade, and she approached cautiously.

But as she got closer, she concluded that this was the most disheveled immortal she ever met!

She stopped behind him, cupped her hands and bowed.

"Greetings, Immortal... Did you call me here?"

The figure beneath the pine tree went rigid as he heard Weiyan's voice.

'Why is she here again?!' He complained internally, then turned slowly.

Weiyan's brows raised. "2nd Young Master Zhang?!"


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