A New Beginning

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She woke up feeling a little nauseous thinking that it was probably the bad seafood that she had last night but what she did not know is that it is going to be a big day for her. "Becca, will you please get ready as soon as possible because you have a big day ahead of you today". She could hear her mother calling out to her from the kitchen asking her to prepare everything she needs for her special day. "Yes mum, i'm ready but just a little nervous because since it's the last day of high school i'm having a strange vibe that they might pick me to present a speech or something". Her mum looked at her and told her to be strong and courageous, "try looking at it in a good way it will be a great opportunity for you to speak up and to say what's on your mind dear so you don't have to worry about anything as long as your being yourself". She felt much better once her mother encouraged her so she knew what she had to do. Becca was a great athlete in her school so if she is going to be called on stage to give a speech she has decided to talk about her great inspiration in sports. "Becca, lets go it's getting late we have to get there by 8am". She immediately ran to the car and the moment she sat inside the car she saw her parents smiling at her and they both wished a good luck. Becca was feeling a bit embarassed thinking that they were making a commotion out of a high school graduation but at the same time she knew that for them it is a big deal. Once she reached her school she got down from the car and she walked to the school hall and she saw all her friends having a conversation so she decides to join them, they were all talking about their future undertakings and all becca could think of is what is she going to do the minute she leaves high school, her mind was completely vague but she kept telling herself to be strong because she knows that she has gone through a lot in the past few years. That special moment she was having with her group of friends has turned to fatal trauma in her life, while talking to them her mind was blank everything around her was incomplete all of them were calling out to her but she could not here anything because she was in her own world albeit the fact that she was still alive it almost seem imposible to regain consciousness but a few minutes later she woke up feeling really vulnerable. "Becca are you okay dear, dad and i were so worried, we are glad that it was nothing serious. She knew something has happened though she was feeling reluctant to ask her parents what was going on, she finally decided to ask them. "Mum dad what's going on? Why am i admitted? Im having a terrible migraine and this has never happened before. Please tell me what's going on? Her parents told her to stay calm and after a few hours of blood test she finally got to know what actually took place. Becca was diagnosed with epilepsy. It's a rare disorder of the nervous system that causes a person to become unconscious suddenly with violent movements of the body. She was completely astonished by what she heard thinking that all those tests were just some random stuff not knowing the actual thing that was going around her. Becca knew then that she is definetely in a battle between life and death now but she keeps telling herself everything will be okay because all bad things has to come to an end eventually.

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