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May 30, 2023

"And what are you doing now?" Wooyoung wanted to know when Mingi told him and Jongho the whole story in the afternoon. Mingi bit his lower lip nervously. "I have no idea. I'm afraid I'll put you guys in danger." Jongho sipped his coffee and looked around the café where they were sitting. "Don't worry Mingi. We can take care of ourselves, but you should go to the police and tell them what happened," he said. "I did. But Yunho didn't even care." Wooyoung furrowed his brow and looked at Mingi. "I don't understand him. First he wants to hide you in some house and now he doesn't care about your safety."

Mingi shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me. Every time I talk to him, I feel like I'm talking to a wall," he said. "He's changed so much.", Mingi mumbled to himself, but Jongho and Wooyoung heard it immediately. "What?" Jongho asked, confused. Mingi bit his lower lip again. Neither Wooyoung nor Jongho knew what had happened two years ago and Mingi wanted to keep it that way.

"Um, I mean..." he looked around, stressed, looking for an excuse. "That he doesn't care anymore, unlike last week," he said quickly. His friends nodded thoughtfully. Mingi's thoughts wandered to Benny and the fact that he was now dead. He still hadn't come to terms with it. Jongho nudged him, knowing exactly what Mingi was thinking about. "It's not your fault," he mumbled.

Mingi suddenly stood up. "I need to talk to him." Wooyoung looked up at his best friend, confused. "He said he knew more about these people than anyone else, so only he can help me." Jongho also slowly got up from his chair and patted Mingi's back. "Shall we come with you?" Mingi took a deep breath. "No, I'm fine, but I'll text you when I have something new." The blonde-haired man grabbed his jacket and left the café. His worried friends stayed behind.


In the evening, Mingi walked to the police station. His hair was covered with a beanie and his sweater hood was hanging a bit in his face. He sank both his hands into his sweatpants. Although it was already May, a cool wind blew through the city.

Mingi pushed the door of the police station open a little uneasily. Would it become routine for him to have to come here? Mingi walked somewhat uncertainly to the counter in the entrance area. A woman with a broad smile greeted him. "I'd like to speak to Jeong Yunho," Mingi mumbled boldly and looked around. The woman gave him a puzzled look, then licked her lips once and typed several times on her computer. "He's not here," she said after a while. "But you can make an appointment." Mingi looked at her hopefully. "But it's urgent, do you know when he'll be back?" The woman shook her head apologetically.
Mingi couldn't stifle an annoyed groan. He turned around slowly, the exit already in sight, when he spotted someone.

"Jeongin," he called out and the policeman with blonde hair turned around. It took him a while to recognize Mingi. Then his eyes lit up and he began to smile. "What are you doing here?" he asked after Mingi stopped in front of him. "I'm looking for Yunho, do you know where he is?" he asked. "What do you want from him?" Jeongin asked in return. "I need to talk to him," Mingi said curtly. Jeongin looked around thoughtfully. "I think he went to a bar. He wanted to find out something." Mingi nodded. "Do you happen to know which one?" Jeongin smiled. "I think, he wanted to go to Laguna, the one downtown."

Mingi thought the name sounded strangely familiar. "Okay, thanks." Mingi wanted to leave, but Jeongin stopped him. "I don't think you should go there. Just come back tomorrow, then you can talk to him." Mingi wanted to ask why, but Jeongin was called by another policeman. And before Mingi pushed open the door again and walked down the street, he already knew that he wouldn't listen to Jeongin.


The sun had long since disappeared behind the mountains and the dark night enveloped the city as Mingi walked to Laguna. He had changed his clothes and now a black silk shirt lay over his body. A thin jacket over it. He had styled his hair back and wore glasses to at least look a bit like he belonged there. As he turned into the street from the bar, he realized why the name seemed so familiar. It was the bar where he had first met Yunho two years ago. A small smile flitted across his lips at the thought.

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