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Parvati was sitting on the couch and anxiously waiting Aadhiren to return back home. He told her that he will be late so she expected him to arrive after midnight, but it's 1:30 a.m. already and there is no sign of him.

She sighs and her hands which were occupied with a cloth and needle, relaxed on her lap. She loved stitching and making little miniature outfits from the cloth pieces. Back in her village she used to make clothes for her dolls but now she has no dolls and has grown out of the age to play with dolls so she either makes little dresses for God's sculptures that are kept in the mandir or she makes something for herself.

She goes back to sewing the fabric with a forwn on her forehead.

The time passed away in a blink and the silence of the palace was very contractory to the chaos inside Parvati's head. Questions and worries were running through her head.
But all her thoughts vanished away when the door opened with a thud and she looks up immediately.

She stands up abruptly, seeing a limping Aadhiren entering the room. The dim lights weren't giving her clear look so she squinted her eyes to look and saw Aadhiren, covered in blood. She wished it was not his own but her prayers didn't work. His shirt had various cuts on it and his right shoulder was bleeding badly.

She walks upto him and helps him sit on the bed. Aadhiren was huffing and breathing heavily. His eyes were half open, he was struggling to keep alive. Parvati paniced seeing him in this state. She did what came to her mind and went inside the washroom to bring a towel and a tub of luke warm water.

She held him straight on his spot while his back was taking support from the head rest of the bed. It haveva clearer picture of his face, which was spotted with black charcol dirt and had a few tiny cuts. The one in his forehead was bleeding alot so she treated that first.

Cleaning his wounds with towel and water and then with detol. Thankfully it wasn't an open wound so no stitches were required. After putting ointment on his wound, she bandaged it and cleaned the rest of his face with a towel. He was out of touch from reality to know about his whereabouts but he could sense someone cleaning him.

Aadhiren fully opened his eyes and saw an anxious Parvati trying her best to badage his wounds. He tried speaking but words weren't coming out of his mouth, after a few tries he barely managed to whisper her name "Paro" he says and Parvati looks up, she was cleaning his shoulder cut.

His expressions worried her "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It will just take a while, please cope for a little bit more" she says in a hurry and Aadhiren shook his head, trying to clear what he was saying but the girl didn't even listen to him. She moved her hands quickly and carefully and after cleaning his arms and face and covering his wounds, she sat straight on the bed and sighed looking at him.

He was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and head tilted to the side. Sleep  have consumed him. She takes her first aid kit to its place and comes back to the bed to arrange his pillow placement so he can lay down easily and so his neck doesn't hurt in the morning.

Aadhiren was off to sleep in a quick note. Parvati sighs and covers him with sheets before spreading her blanket and going to sleep as well.

It's okay Paro, we can ask him about his job tomorrow or maybe some other day when he is recovered
She says to herself while trying to console her racing heart beat


The next morning, Aadhiren stirs his body to change sides but as soon as he lands on his right side, his shoulder collides in pain. He groans, hisses and wakes up from slumber. He sits up on the bed and slowly opens his eyes. The room was clean as usual, the curtains were open and prickly sunlight was entering the room. He looked around but couldn't find her.

Rubbing his hand on his hair, Aadhiren sighs. And a few seconds later, he hears a tinkling sound. It indicates she is near by. He listens carefully and slowly she was getting nearer.

And finally the door of the bedroom opened. She enters inside with a thali in her hand. Aadhiren frowns as the aagar batti's fragrance was hitting his nose. She spreads the aroma in the whole room and then keeps the thali down, walking near to him.

"How do you feel now?" She asks and he nods his head "Better" was all he said. "Do you need some pain killers?'' she asked him but he shook his head, removing his sheets and trying to stand up. Parvati's eyes bulged out seeing him half naked. She immediately turned her back to him. Her jhumkas and payal making sounds.
He looks at her direction and frowns upon. He then thinks for a minute and looks at himself. He unconsciously smiles to himself.

He stands up but his body was not giving in with him and he hisses and collapses to the bed. Parvati turns around and sees him struggling to stand up. She walks upto him and offers him a hand, he accepts it and stands up, leaning his body on her arms and hand.

"Does ma knows about me?" Asks and she shakes her head, trying not to look at his direction. "That's good, don't tell her about my condition. She is going to massi's house today and will return after a few weeks, it's better we keep this a secret'' he says while walking towards the washroom and Parvati nods, listening to him.

When he was inside the washroom, Parvati was arguing with herself on whether she should ask him or not? It's better not to as he is not fully recovered yet but she needs answers.

After a few minutes he come out and she helps him get to the bed. "You should rest, I will get your breakfast in he room" she says and he nods, carefully sitting on the bed and covering his body with the duvet. Parvati went downstairs to get him something to eat.

Thanks for reading:))
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