Chapter 1

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It has become a habit that I prefer to call a pleasure, to watch the Sun set through the small bedside window in my military dorm. I'd like to say I find reprieve in watching how the vibrant hues always fade as the sky welcomes the Moons pearlescent glow in its stead. But I know, quite plainly, it is the routine that soothes my aching mind and muscles; the Sun goes down, it is replaced by the Moon and then the Sun returns come morning. I enjoy consistency.

It keeps me grounded, sane.

Icy water drips down my back from the wet knot of hair at the base of my neck. The tablet on my table will ping, alerting me of a message from head office.

It does. It always does.

Lydia Saunders, SA 1-A*,

Congratulations on completing mission V.27, you are a credit to your race. We also thank you for the in depth report and are pleased to inform you that due to your efforts, District HU-3 has been successfully stabilised and trade will soon resume-

I needn't read the rest, the text is familiar, I've read it a thousand times before. Written just as robotically every time. Unblinkingly, I skim through the rest, realising nothing else was of interest I was about to resume my leisure time, when it pings again. Peculiar. Slightly unnerving, if I'm being honest.

Lydia Saunders, SA 1-A*,

Despite short notice you will attend the annual peace meeting as bodyguard for Chancellor Edwick. Although we are aware this to be below your average standard, we expect you to carry out this assignment with the upmost care and expertise.

You will depart tomorrow at 07:00  from the south gate; transportation will be waiting to deliver you to the venue, dress smart.

Head Office, President R. Von.

Chancellor Edwick... I allow myself a moment ofself-pity. The old man is a pervert, and worse, a rich pervert. 

Unfortunately for me, I have a perfect record to maintain, and head office quite favours Edwick for the large donations he gives to the military after every mission. No, this troublesome client wasn't going to ruin me. The peace meetings are normally uneventful anyway, it shouldn't be too troublesome. My opinion was of little consequence anyway, an order from that high up has to be obeyed. 

I quickly set about preparing, gathering the clothes and equipment necessary with a practiced efficiency. I pay special attention when packing my weapons, a handful of stakes, silver knives and my most discrete gun with plenty of ammunition, it briefly crossed my mind to pack a taser - just in case the chancellor tried something funny. However I quickly shook off that thought with a smirk.

Finally zipping up the bag, I set it down by the door and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after I made a beeline back to bed, fully intent on sleeping until I was needed again.

The next time I open my eyes, it was to the insistent ringing of an alarm, it took all but a second to dispatch the diabolical sound.

With an oh-so lady like groan I pushed myself up from the bed and stretched to crack my back, as my mouth stretched into an unattractive yawn. Basically dragging myself into the bathroom I do my morning routine then dress and put my tawny hair into a tight ponytail. Catching my reflection in the mirror I feel a common twist in my chest, my eyes echo the blue colour of my fathers whilst my face is angled as delicately as my mothers.

Enough of that, I tell myself, a glance at the clock tells me I should get a move on or else be late. I slip on a pair of shoes and shoulder my bag, exit my small abode and I start making my way through the empty corridors, occasionally scanning my finger to open a door. No one is up yet, the lucky gits got the day off. Today was, after all, the 16th anniversary of the end of The Great War- a worldwide holiday for some, and the reason why they hold the Peace Meeting today. They'd better give me extra rations for this... 

It didn't take long to reach the South gate- I walk over to the key pad, as soon as I got within five feet it calls out: "Identification please." That familiar creepy robotic voice always gives me the chills.

"Agent, section one military and defence, Lydia Saunders." I said in a professional tone, then waited.

"Access granted by order 7.1.2. Please proceed."

With that the doors made a drawn out beep followed by a series of creeks and hisses before opening at a snail pace. As soon as there is enough room I slip in between and out.

Outside would best be described as a desert; there is nothing but an endless expanse of sand and sunlight- a strategic position in the circumstances of today but drab to look at nonetheless. On the barren sand there is a convoy of three black cars with armed men, each dressed cheerlessly in black, standing out like sticks in the mud against the beige background.

I turn to one, "Is the chancellor here yet?"  Before he could get a word out, the door to one of the cars is opened. With a swirl of smoke out comes the one and only, tomato shaped Edwick, a large cigar dangling from his wrinkled lips.

"No need to fret my little darling, I'm right here." He cooed, blatantly looking me up and down, eyes lingering in places they shouldn't.

I keep my face stoic but internally grit my teeth, "Good morning sir, shall we make the most of time and get going?"

"Why of course, my eager little one." He smiled, then, as if someone had flipped a switch, his face twisted into a snarl and he spat out "Men, can't you see she is still holding a bag?! She's a woman; go put it in the back for her!"

Although reasonably gentlemanly for him it managed to make the hairs on the back of my neck erect, I was very capable of putting my own bag in the back. I see the stories floating around the base are true, he's the type to act an angel before those he wants to impress but quick to snap at the help.

My bag was snatched from my side by a fearful looking man as I was beckoned to the back seat of a car, Edwick shuffled in first then I seated myself a space away from him and shut the door behind me. The old man stared at the space between us distastefully, took a long draw from his cigar as he began eyeing my legs- seeing as the skirt had risen a tad- I decided to play ignorant and endure, silently looking out of the tinted windows.

It was when the engine started that I saw a hand creep closer, almost settling on my thigh. 

"Move it or I snap it off." what I want to say, but I bite my tongue.

Quickly I cross my legs and slide further away from him, my back now rigid and face even blanker to hide the anger humming beneath my skin. Thankfully, he gets the message and retracts his hand with a chuckle, "Virgin." he mumbles under his breath in a sing-song way.

I feel a fire behind my eyes and clench my fist. I wish I'd brought that taser.

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