Destination Dinohenge

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I woke up in this weird capsule. I walked out of the capsule then looked over and seen Zayto in a different capsule and Solon trying to wake him up. "Solon what's happening" I asked. "Your majesty you're awake" Solon said. "Solon I told you to stop calling me that" I said. "Right sorry Y/n" Solon said. "So Solon what's happening" I said. "You, Zayto and Sephora are the only ones who survived the attack on Rafkon millions of years ago" Solon said. "Did you just say millions" I said. "Yeah I did" Solon said. Just then the door opened. "What's this" Void Knight said. "Come on Zayto we need you" Solon said.

Void Knight blasted at Solon hitting her. "Solon" I yelled. "Ah Queen Y/n" Void Knight said. "Void Knight" I said. Solon got up just as Void Knight said. "So tell me old lizard the energy source where is it hidden" Void Knight said. "Firstly I'm a dinosaur not a lizard and secondly old ouch" Solon said. "Do not play games with me I am Void Knight and you're no match for my power" Void Knight said. "I'm not but they are" Solon said. Solon pressed the button opening the capsule that Zayto was in.

"Power Rangers nice try" Void Knight said. Void Knight swung his sword hitting the machine. "Now tell me where's the energy source" Void Knight said. "Can you be more specific" Solon said. "Don't you play the fool with me" Void Knight said as he swung his sword at Solon. Before the sword hit Solon I blocked it with my sword. "Leave Solon alone" I said. Void Knight was about to hit me with his sword until a net came out of nowhere. "This may come as a shock but no one likes a bully" a girl said. Then the guy that was next to the girl hit a button that shock Void Knight.

"You'll pay for this" Void Knight said. "We'll see about that" I said. "That won't hold him long so put this key in the saber and then the hengemen will fight for you" Solon said. Solon threw the key but Void Knight caught it. "Wrong they're going to fight for me" Void Knight said. "Uh oh" Solon said. "A new toy I'll enjoy this" Void Knight said. Void Knight put the key into his sword and summoned the hengemen.

"Hengemen show me what you've got" Void Knight said. "Amelia Pine Ridge has been great but I don't think it's for me" the guy said. "Any ideas" the guy said. "I've done 3 years of karate" the girl said. "Yeah me to and 6 years of fencing" the guy said. "Ok so you wanna take the lead" the girl said. "What" the guy said. "Pathetic deal with them" Void Knight said. The guy and girl were fighting the hengemen well I helped Solon wake Zayto up.

"Im sorry Zayto this might just be too damaged to wake you up" Solon said. "Solon you need some help" I said. "Yeah but what about the other 2" Solon said. I looked out the door then back at Solon. "They got it" I said. "If you say so" Solon said. I was helping Solon rewire the machine. "Solon look" I said. "Oh wow" Solon said. "They have morphers I haven't seen that since" Solon said. "Me and Zayto" I said. "Yeah here have these" Solon said. Solon threw them morphing keys.

"Whoa what's happening" the guy said. "Yes" Solon said. "What" Void Knight said. "Alright we're power rangers" the guy said. "Emphasis on power you're in big trouble now" the girl said. "Tear them apart" Void Knight said. "Sure I go help them or" I said. "Yes go help them" Solon said. "Right" I said. I grabbed my key and got ready to morph. "It's morphin time dino fury key activate link to morphin grid Brachio fury" I said.

Me, the girl and the guy were all fighting tue hengemen. "Cool powers costumes and weapons what other stuff do we get" the girl said. "If you watch the news Zords" the guy said. "No don't touch that" I hear Solon yell. We continue to fight the hengemen when Zayto came out of nowhere and helped. I got hit and landed at Zayto's feet.

"Hey Zayto" I said. "Hey sis" Zayto said. 2 hengemen came after us but Zayto destroyed them with his sword. "What's going on Solon why are the hengemen activated and who are they" Zayto said. "They're new and friendly but the Sporix are being taken hurry" Solon said. Zayto and I ran to stop Void Knight. "Where did you steal that armor from" Zayto said. "Doesn't matter it's mean now just like the Sporix" Void Knight said. "Whatever Sporix are they're bad right" the guy said. "Very bad" I said. "Bad for you good for me" Void Knight said. We all began fighting again.

Me, pinky and the blue ranger are fighting the hengemen and Zayto is fighting Void Knight. Well Zayto and Void Knight were fighting Zayto called for a dino dagger. Zayto threw the dagger at Void fight but he hit the dagger with his sword. The dagger bounced off the sword heading over to Zayto but he dodged it. After Zayto dodged the dagger the dagger hit the box of Sporix.

"No" Zayto said. The Sporix all flew out of the box. "No no they're loose" Zayto said. "Oh this can't be happening" Solon said. "This isn't over" Void Knight said before running off. "Get back here" I said as me and Zayto ran after him. As we caught up to him he blocked our exit with boulders. We all walked back to the main area. "So that was wild" the girl said. "Yeah I got pretty good with this thing" the guy said before the 2 demorphed.

"Cool" the girl said. "Can you believe it we're power rangers" the guy said. "I definitely didn't think I'd become a superhero when I woke up this morning" the girl said. Me and Zayto then demorphed. "I'm Zayto this is my sister and Queen Y/n" Zayto said making my roll my eyes. "And this is our wise friend Solon" I said. "Greetings" Solon said. "Well I'm" the guy started to say. "Ollie a rational, logical, adventurer and scientist" Zayto said. "And you're Amelia an imaginative and unstoppable truth seeker" I said.

"How's you know that" Amelia said. "Their showing off beings from their planet can read minds" Solon said. "We weren't showing off" I said. "We're making sure it still works" Zayto said. "How long were we in the stasis pod" I said. "A very long time I'm afraid more than 65 million years" Solon said. "Million" Zayto said. "Hey you guys are in great shape for 65 million" Amelia said. "You know I think all 4 of us are" Solon said. "4" Ollie said. "Yeah Y/n's kid princess Sephora" Solon said. "Where is Sephora anyway Solon" Zayto said. "She's still in the stasis pod" Solon said.

"So if Zayto and Y/n an extraterrestrial does that make you a" Amelia said: "a cyborg dinosaur" Ollie said. "Yeas a Solonosaurus but I was badly wounded in an accident battle against the Sporix you should tell them Zayto and Y/n" Solon said. "65 million years ago the Sporix were unleashed on our planet Rafkon" I said. "They hatched into ferocious beasts I lead the knight of Rafkon fighting to defend our home" Zayto said.

"They were not strong enough the Sporix beasts ravaged our planet leaving few survivors" I said. "But their thirst for destruction could not be satisfied" Zayto said. "The Sporix left Rafkon hungry for their next target planet earth" I said. "But we followed them retort eradicate the Sporix we fought alongside the dinosaurs to save earth with each battle the beasts became stronger until finally they grew giant" Zayto said.

"We were forced to retreat it seemed the earth too would be lost until the legendary Morphin Masters arrived" I said. "Ageless beings with untold power they were here to help us" Zayto said. "We'd heard of the Morphin gid before but we had no idea how strong it was" I said.

"The Morphin grid joins with the spirits of the dinosaurs then the Morphin Masters gave us our mission" Zayto said. "You are the Dino Fury Power Rangers together you must defend the earth against these evil Sporix" the red Morphin Master said. "But how the Sporix beasts are gigantic" Zayto said. "Then we will make you mighty weapons" the red Morphin Master said.

"So with the Zords' help you guys beat the Sporix beasts" Ollie said. "You guys did win right I mean you're still here to tell the story" Amelia said. "It wasn't the kind of victory you celebrate" I said. "We captured the Sporix and locked them in this chest" Zayto said. "But our friends the other knights they were lost" I said. "Y/n, Sephora, Zayto and I tried everything to destroy the Sporix but it was impossible all we could do was keep them hidden and guarded" Solon said.

"So you've been here ever since" Ollie said. "Yes it's our mission to ensure the Sporix never get loose I. The universe again and today we failed" I said. "All because of this Void Knight why would he want the Sporix" Solon said. "I hate to think but right now we need to find them and get them back" Zayto said. "They'll hide and hibernate until one by one they hatch into Sporix beasts" I said.

"There are dozens and dozens of them and all they know is destruction" Zayto said. "They must be stopped your planet is in grave danger" I said. "And we're the only ones who can save it but first thing first you'll need some training" Zayto said. "Are you ready" I said. "Are you kidding" Ollie said. "Just tell us what to do" Amelia said.

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