Hair appointment

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The names Yuri and currently I just entered a hair salon. The only reason I'm here is because my only friend Rocky kept nagging me about my hair. I mean, it's true that it's a bit long and messy, but I don't care.

"Hi-i, is this the place that cuts hair?"

I looked around the place. It looked empty and just brand new.

A deep, stern voice emerged from the back saying " wait a second, I'll be there in a bit" and not long after a tall, blond man, with blue eyes that seemed to look like the ocean.

"Hi, welcome to Amaryllis Hair Salon. What can I do for you today." While holding a pair of hair shears.

I was terrified. How can I be calm when it's this handsome dude that is cutting my hair. At this point, my secret may be revealed.
No, I must have gotten over that ages ago, I'm fine now. Right? I question myself.

" Uh-h-h...I need a cut if possible...please." I murmured out like an idiot.

"Ok, we can do that. Let's go this seat you this way." He said while leading me to an open spot.

At this point, I'm sweating everywhere, I'm scared that my fear will show up and ruin everything for me. At this point, you might be guessing why I'm so scared about cutting my hair. The truth to be told is that I have sensitive hair and neck. Not just a bit but overly sensitive to the point that I couldn't have my hair be cut by someone because the want and need to let out certain noises is so hard control but I mean it's been years. It should be gone, hopefully.

" You have beautiful long black hair, you sure you want to cut it," he said while looking so mesmerized at my hair.

I've never seen someone look at my hair like this. It's honestly embarrassing and nerve-wracking. I never really liked my hair because of what happens to it. To me it's such an ordinary color, so bland, and so unseemly. It's overall a nuisance to me and others. I hate it.
" Y-Yes, I would like to cut it p-please. No doubt, " I responded. I looked away from his peering eyes that seemed to be burning a hole through me.

"Ok, let's get starting. First, I will cut and then slowly fix it up, ok?" He said with a small, endering smile.

I heard him get his shears from the drawer. I looked up to see him getting everything set up, and then before I knew it, I started talking.

"Sir..u-um, before we get started, there is something y-you should know."

"Yes, please do tell me if there is something that needs to be shared about your hair before I begin. I wouldn't want to cause a mistake with the clients hair."
"U-uh yes t-this is something quite embarrassing but before the cutting begins I-i have...I-I have sensitive hair and neck so if you can p-please be careful when cutting and grabbing my hair...that's a-all."

I thought that it was my imagination acting up, but I thought for a split second I saw the man smile, but it was not an ordinary smile. It was a type of smile you would give when you got your way with something. I chose to ignore it and excused it as how he normally looks.

"A-ah ok that's ok. You'll be in great hands. Do not fret over it." He responded.

I let out a sigh in relief. We continued shortly after, but little did I know how much I underestimated my sensitivity.

Snip. Snip. Snip. The sounds of the scissors cutting my hair. Before I even knew it, I felt it. The sensation beginning first at my neck , then slowly traveling down my spine. I didn't know what to do, the sounds were slowly coming up. It started off with a single " u-ugh" and shallow breathing.

He then stopped for a brief second but soon continued after. It was getting harder and harder to control myself. It continued into soft moans. My head started to feel weird and lost. I felt my eyes start to be filled with Lust and want, they even started to water.

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