yes or no

165 2 0

Leif pov

I grin as everyone glares at me well except princess Ava I than say
"Well we need peirce because one we need someone who can make something up on the spot tow if we don't he well tell ash and noi so we need him "

Peirce pov

"I don't know if I should be offended or-" I get cut off by princess ava saying "YES OR NO" I think princess ava needs to calm down but I don't want to make her even angrier so I calmly reply "yes" "good" ava and Leif say back

2 hours later

Third person

They hide behind a wall and peak to look at asch and noi "Ryhs turn us invisible please" ava 'kindly' demanded yes "princess ava" Ryhs responded and than turned them invisible they just stayed there a while and were getting bored and than asch and noi walked out of aschs room and they were blushing, noi was blushing atlest 70 shades darker than asch and noi said "um t-t-that was l-l-l-lovely" asch smirked and giggled "I hope it was" leif whispered "what did they do" ava whimpered back "i um I think I am my dirty minded tha I thought..ha..ha.." "?" Leif looked at ava completely and utterly dumb founded so ava responsed "....don't worry...about it ...he..ha..ha"

Author note

I know this is very short and sorry I haven't updated this in a while anyway thanks reading this so now have a lovely day or night people

261 Words

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