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It all started in an abandoned fair. In 1991 5 girls; Luna, Hope, Aria, Lily and Emily went to meet 5 boys; Miles , Atlas, Axel, River and Mattheo. They all meet outside a fair that looked abandoned. "Guys why don't we explore this abandoned fair" whispered Mattheo. "Sure" agreed everyone else. They all enter and start to look around and decided that in an hour they would all meet in front of an abandoned ferris wheel. An hour later they all meet back at the ferris wheel and where all exhausted so they decided that they would spend the night in the ferris wheel.

There was only 2 seats left as the other 10 were missing somehow so; Luna, Hope, Atlas, Miles and Mattheo take one seat and ; Aria, Lily, Emily, River and Axel take the other seat. Once they decided who was going to be in which seat they decided to climb to the top of the ferris wheel. As soon as they were at the top they all ended up falling asleep. A few hours later they all woke up. They all decided to check their seats to make sure that everyone was still there. In the 2nd seat somebody was missing. The person who was missing was River.

Miles looks out of the seat to seat to see Rivers head laying on the ground . Shocked with what he had saw Miles threw up in Atlas's hair. " Are you fucking kidding me " screamed Atlas. "Ooops" gagged Miles. The sick slides of Atlas's hair and hits Mattheo.  "Please tell me that's not Mile's sick" cried Mattheo. So mad Atlas climbed over to Miles and pushed him out of the ferris wheel. " Are you fucking mental" screamed Aria. "He deserved it I'm not  letting no fat ginger cunt throw up in my hair and get away with it" responded Atlas.

"Can someone help me get back into this ferris wheel" screamed Miles. Quickly, Atlas helps Miles back into the ferris wheel. Yet he then decides to be a dick head and pushes him out again. "Dude wtf " screamed Axel. "What" responded Atlas. "You just fucking pushed him out the ferris wheel AGAIN" responded Lily. "Oh well, it is what it is nothing i can do about it now is there?" laughed Atlas. "I mean Miles was kind of annoying" laughed Luna. "True" agreed everyone else whilst laughing along with Atlas. 

When they all climb down the ferris wheel and get back on the ground they all spot a mysterious person running around the fair. "Hello is anybody here?" yelled Hope. "Ha ha ha you're all going to die tonight you can run but you cant hide" laughed the mysterious voice. "Guys who the fuck was that" shivered Emily. "BOO" screamed the mysterious voice. They all slowly turn around to see a tall person in a clown outfit. "RUN" screamed Aria. They all run but Lily was to slow and so the person grabbed her and slit her throat. "NO" cried Axel as he looked at Lily's dead body. They all decide to climb all the way back to the top of the ferris wheel. The mysterious killer follows them ...

"Get the fuck away from us you freak" screamed Axel. "What the fuck did you just call me" yelled the killer. "I called you a freak now get the fuck away from us you creepy cunt" responded Axel. The killer picks up Axel by the neck and throws him of the wheel. "Why the fuck would you do that" shacked Aria. "Do you really think im going to let some gobby cunt speak to me like that" yelled the killer. "I mean you did kill people for no reason and you killed his girlfriend what did you expect" screamed Luna. "I will kill all of you unless you give me Atlas" laughed the killer. "Wait, why do you want me" shacked Atlas. The killer slowly takes of his mask....

"WAIT, MILES" shouted everyone. "Miles why wold you do this to us all" cried Hope. "You all know exactly why I'm doing this you all deserve it after you all laughed at me for getting pushed out of that stupid wheel by Atlas so i want my revenge luckily i survived the fall and decided to get my revenge" screamed Miles. Slowly Miles takes out a knife from his costume pocket and throws it directly at Atlas's head killing him. "Now time to get my revenge on you guys" laughed Miles. 

Just before Miles could take a step forward Luna runs to Miles and pushes him of the wheel. Seconds later all they could hear was a thud hit the ground that's when they knew that Miles was finally dead. In fear the group all apart from Hope run to hug Luna for saving their lives. When Luna realises that Hope is left out she tells her to come and join the group hug. Yet clumsy Hope wasn't looking carefully and trips over a metal bar causing; Luna, Aria, Emily and Mattheo to all fall of the edge of the wheel. As Hope just witnessed her best friends die she couldn't help but burst into tears. With so much guilt, Hope walks to the edge of the wheel and throws herself of it making her be reunited with her dead friends.

"AHHH" screamed Hope as she woke up realising that it was all just a bad dream. She quickly gets up to find her friends gone as they all spent the night at her house. "BOO" screamed her friends as they were all trying to scare her. "Guys did you all have a weird dream about us all at an abandoned fair" questioned Hope. "Yeah" responded the rest of the group.

"HOPE, your friend Nate is here" screamed Hopes mam from the bottom of the stairs. "Send him up" replied Hope. Moments later Nate shows up at Hopes bedroom door. "Guys i was thinking that we could all go to this abandoned fair not that far from here" suggested Nate "OH HELL NO" screamed the group. So pissed of Mattheo picks Nate up and throws him out of Hopes bedroom wondow causing him to die.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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