Chapter 1

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Adam woke to hearing the alarm beeping loudly,the time read 7:00 am,"mm shut the fuck up" he said while hitting the alarm, he sat up and stretched and tried to process while looking around the room,last night he had been a crazy night, he went to a party and he took pictures of people who were at the party,the party was hosted by a friend he knew for 2 years,while thinking about this now adam realized that he had been drinking last night,6 shots of tequila,he got up and looked in the mirror and he looked tired and depressed,"you look terrible" he said to himself and he undressed and showered, after 5 minutes her shaved and walked back into his room,

Adams's apartment was a small and messy 1 bedroom apartment,A Shithole apartment he called it,while getting dressed he started thinking about what his life would have been if he finished high school and went to college and gotten a better job that pays better, all throughout his life it had been hell, his father left him when he was 5 and then when he was 10 his mother married an abusive man and a year after they were married thats when daisy was born,daisy the bratty little sister who got so much attention and never got yelled at,after getting dressed adam went into the kitchen and turned on the tv and the news was on,"theres still no possible suspects on the jigsaw killer,3 found dead in a warehouse on ****** street and police are still patrolling the warehouse said the news woman,"god damn it not that shit again this is the 3rd time this week" he said to himself while making coffee, suddenly there was a bang at the door and he almost spilled coffee on himself "god damn it" he thought to himself as he was walking to the door  and when he opens the door they're stood a man who looks to be about 31 and he had slick black hair and Wore a black and white flannel shirt with black pants," thinks oh great he's here again" he thought to himself all looking at the man, "Adam I send you an email three days ago about the rent" the man said while he was looking behind him a little,"Look Frankie I've been trying to get enough money to pay rent it's just tough right now" he said while trying to make eye contact with him,"Look pay the god damn rent when you have the money you fuck" he heard frankie say then he walked off, Adam walked into the apartment and sighed in a pissed off way, He looked around his apartment, it was messy and depressing, he never had money to pay rent on time and he always had to deal with Frankie because he's the landlord and he just annoyed Adam all the time,he wished at times he had a roommate or someone to help him pay rent,He knew that if he called his mother he knew she wouldn't help,the reason wasn't her,it's because Ronnie his lame and abusive stepfather, Ronnie always was a man who didn't want anyone to spend his money on anyone except for himself, Adam remembered when he was 12 and it was nighttime and he was in his room playing videogames and he heard yelling from downstairs and he overhead his mother and Ronnie arguing about how Ronnie spent 100$ on an bottle of expensive bottle of wine, He hated him, hearing his mom cry was heartbreaking,He wished that he left her and she kept saying she would,she didn't,he stopped thinking about the painful memories, he walked into a room, the room was red and black and white photos were handing on the wall, he picked up his camera and he walked out of the room and walked out of his apartment and locked the front door and headed downstairs and out the front door,he stepped into the light when he walked down the side walk, while walking he had trouble Turing on his camera and out of nowhere a black car almost hits him, "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU CRAZY BASTARD" he yelled, he looked around and nobody was around,he kept walking down the sidewalk,
"Lawrence!!", he woke up hearing a woman yelling his name, he sat up and checked the time 7:00am, he heard footsteps walking into the room, at the end of the bed stood a woman who had blond hair and she was wearing a white blouse and blue jeans, "Lawrence I called you 2 times and you aren't up and dressed" she said,she walked over to him and pulled off the blanket,"Ali I worked until 3am last night and I want to rest" he said while trying to get the blanket from her, "You are going to work" she replied while dragging him a little, he stood up and walked into the bathroom, "well here's a fellow who stayed up at 3am" he thought to himself, he undressed and stepped in the shower and quickly showered, he stepped out and dressed, he hurried to the kitchen, he made coffee and suddenly he felt a tight hug, he looked down and saw a small girl, "Hi Daddy" she said with a smile, he crouched down a little, "Diana your looking beautiful today" He said and then gave her a kiss, she laughed and he smiled, "You were working last night weren't you" she asked in a kind of sad tone,"Well sweetie you know how my schedule is" He gave her a hug, Diana is a smart and caring 11 year old girl,he was proud of her and loved it when he spent time with her when he has time to do so,She is his only daughter, "Well I need to go now sweetie I will see you tonight" he said and kissed her and walked off, before he could leave Alison stopped him,"Larry please don't work late tonight" she said with a disappointed tone, he looked at her with an annoyance look,"You know I can't take time off whenever I want,I'm a doctor", Alison always had been nagging him about work and not being home with her and Diana, he picked up his brief case and walked out the door and headed to his black car, got in and started it and drove off, while driving he saw a guy fidgeting with something and he wasn't paying attention and he almost hit him, while driving away he swore that the guy was yelling at him, "Fucking son of a bitch" he muttered,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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A tale between a doctor and a photographerWhere stories live. Discover now