The start

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J's pov:

I was sitting on the couch shared apartment with my current bf Liam, Liam has been a bit distant lately and hasn't been talking to me much even tho we live together.
Liam walked into the room "Hey Liam wanna come watch my fav show with me!" I say looking at Liam with hope but instead he said "J sorry to say this but I'm breaking up with you. I've been cheating on u for months and I'm eloping with the person I've cheated on you with..." Liam said, I felt like I had a bunch of bricks thrown at me and I started to cry.
Liam looked a bit ashamed "I..... I'm sorry J I... He was too hot and his ass.... It was just too fat.. you can keep the apartment and everything else, I'm starting over with the man I love, Choso. Goodbye J..."
Liam walked out the door not looking back as I cried, why would he leave me.. was I not good enough for him....I walked sadly to bed and took a nap.

I had woke up. 1:30 in the morning, I decided to call up my friend that's a night owl, Megumi, I had called him and he answered "Is something up J?" Megumi asked, I've always liked his voice it's really quiet and calming "Liam broke up with me...." I said sadly, "what! Are u ok do you want me to come over??" Megumi said worried "I'll be fine... I just needed to tell someone.." I said "alright, how about you go back to sleep, and we can go get ice cream" Megumi said "Mhm" and I hung up, I had fell asleep after watching a couple of coryxkenshin videos.

1 month later

Liam sent me a invitation to his wedding, i think it was to say 'sorry for breaking up with u last minute'
to get over the breakup I decided to go. I had arrived I wore a black tuxedo. I bumped into Nene she looked pretty mad "hey Nene, you look mad why?" I said "Liam didn't let me bring Gojo! Idk why he dislikes him sm, maybe he's jealous, anyway are you ok? You haven't been on social media for weeks" she said "ehh I just haven't had the energy to." "Oh alright well see you soon!" She said then walked away to go eat food. Finnaly it was time for them to get married there was vi with her girlfriends Maki and Nobara, mahito, 2 guys I've never seen, kenjuku(I definitely spelled his name wrong), and other people. Then the wedding started they did their vows and I couldn't do it, I walked out of the building crying. To calm myself I decided to take a walk in the park near the venue.

To be continued

|Well this was silly I probably will forget about this story tomorrow and I hope no one reads it😁(this is also my first story so I have ZERO idea what im doing🗣️🗣️)

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