6 - The Pirates

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"Cheer up now lassss." The way the pirate hung on the last letter of the word made her cringe.

The captain had returned to his quarters and the men were eyeing her now, watching her every move. She felt out of place and most of all, threatened. The feeling similar to a small mouse in a snake's nest.

She had chills as another man laughed behind her, Dimitri at her side appeared to sadden as he attempted to shuffle her to the side as the men got back to work. They were now in the way.

Though as the men moved about they appeared to stomp their feet loudly and periodically lunge slightly toward her as though trying to provoke her.

"Try not to pay them any mind, they're only playing." Dimitri informed her as he hobbled over to his post.

She glared at a man who screamed in her face before running away from her, grabbing hold of a rope and swinging himself over the side of the railing and up to the upper deck near the helm.

"Utter madness." She muttered as she shook her head. They were acting like children.

Dimitri chuckled. "It's how we live. Some... well most of us just learnt to embrace what we have become." He appeared to be struggling with some ropes and his balance.

"Here let me." She took the tightly wound twine from his hands and tied it expertly to the railing. "Do you mean pirates or snakes?"

"Thanks!" He hobbled along to the next loosened knot along the edge of the ship. "Both, the curse made us become pirates. We've lived with it so long now..." He trailed off as he lulled his head to the side and looked to the darkened sea.

"But Kenji doesn't appear to be cursed." She pointed out.

Dimitri's gaze moved back to her, he forever seemed to have a sad expression as though his face was stuck that way. "He's not. But he blames himself. The captain is a great man that as sacrificed a lot for us. His home, his family, his life. All to save us, well he's trying to..." He paused. "But that's not my tale to tell."


He eyed her strangely as she fell back into her Kunoichi way of speaking. Covering for herself she added, "I'm in no position to prie."

He shrugged. "Of anyone I think you are. Since you're supposedly the means to lifting the curse. Might be best to ask him yourself."

She stifled a laugh.


"Conversations with that man amount to nothing, my place according to him is below deck."

"Women are said to be bad luck on the sea" Dimitri added with no hint of sarcasm.

She scoffed. "I'm no ordinary woman."

She grabbed hold of the railing and hoisted herself up, her arms wide as she balanced on the slim wood. She jumped grabbing hold of a loose rope floating in the wind and landed effortlessly back on the railing.

"Clearly," he commented taking the rope from her and tying it down in its rightful place. "Probably why the serpent god wants you."

Her gaze drifted to the horizon, the moonlight illuminating the seas around them. They were headed for an island, it was still around a days sailing away but it was now only just visible.

The wind was far more stagnant, nowhere near as wild as it had been during the day. They were moving only slightly faster than a drifting speed. She refused to loiter on the thoughts on what might be waiting for her on that island. Spinning on her heels she jumped down to the deck once again.

"What else can I help with? You really shouldn't be on that leg of yours."  She'd rather put herself to work than think about tomorrow. One step at a time, if she needed to run and save herself, on that island would be her best chance for escape.

"There's no need really!" Dimitri tried to refuse.

"Come one, don't let me stress about what is to come, put me to work!" She pleaded.

"Yeah D, put her to work!" Said another pirate who came to stand beside her, though he was clearly mocking her.

She eyed him strangely as he bent forward with his hands cupped in front of his face, was he trying to look cute? He concluded by batting his eyelids lids and she couldn't help but laugh. She shrugged, what the hell, might as well have some fun. She mimicked the pose leaning forward and clasping her hands together in front of her as she battered her own eyelids, clearly forced. "Please." She added sweetly

Dimitri groaned placing his hand to his temple. "Don't encourage then! Fine fine, you can swap the deck."

The pirate cringed. "Ah! Not the grunt work, she could cook us a meal or something."

Straightening up she chuckled. "I can still do that after."

The pirate raised a brow at her. "Who said having a lady aboard was bad luck!" He spun around to yell to the rest of the crew. "Our luck has changed boys, we eat like kings tonight!"

Cheers erupted all round, the threatening atmosphere lessoning as their ramblings reminded her of the shogun back home, though these men were definitely less refined, they were still a family at heart.

"Don't get too comfortable, and never be alone with any of the crew," Dimitri warned. "They may be like family to me, but I know what they are capable of and they haven't seen or been with women in a very long time."

That uneasy feeling was settling in the pit of her stomach again. She nodded, appreciating the warning. In truth the idea of someone trying to take advantage of her didn't bother her, she knew she could protect herself. But if she did protect herself and they chose to punish her or the imperial family because of it, that was the uncertainty that she couldn't stomach.

"So where do I find the mop?" She asked.

"The storeroom is by the captain's cabin below deck. Under the stairs, hard to miss."

"Got it!"

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