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Third person pov

Next morning

The noise from downstairs interrupted jimin's peaceful nap. He buried his face deeper into the pillow but there is no sign of the noise to be shut down. Distress evident in his face. Jimin slowly opened his eyes before getting up while stretching his limbs.

He slowly made his way to the bathroom and did his morning routine.

After finishing his business jimin came out from the bathroom wrapped around by a towel and dried his hair using another towel while walking towards the closet. His dresses all already arranged in his new closet by Clara. Jimin took out a simple turtle necked white t-shirt with tight jeans. The t-shirt was very fit showing his body curves and shapes more prominently.

Jimin exited his room and headed to downstairs, his lips curved into a bright smile when his eyes caught a glimpse of his mother, sister and his mother-in-law who are sitting in the couch and chit chatting.

"Mom!, Leo"

Jimin descended the stairs excitely,

Clara slowly leaned sideways towards melliva while eyeing jimin and whispered,

"What melli, he is running and coming. Perhaps nothing happened between them" melliva nodded


"Hey Minnie, how are you" melliva asked, jimin frowned at the question.

"Yesterday only you met me and now asking how are you?"

"I'm not asking about your well-being, how are feeling after your wedding night" melliva blurted out making the omega to see red.

"I'm all fine!" Jimin replied furiously

Leora leaned closer to melliva and whispered,

"Mom!, You know about jimin then why are you triggering him. Please keep quiet" leora stated.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" melliva whispered back and passed a pleasant smile to jimin who is still glaring at her.

"Jimin actually we came here for discussing about an important matter" Clara said breaking the tension. Jimin diverted his attention to his mother-in-law.

"What it is mom"

"Jimin in our family, the newly wedded couple should visit our hedititary temple, so today we planned to visit, so you go get ready and tell this to jungkook also. Is is he up?" Clara asked making the omega nervous since they don't know about them living in different rooms.

"H-huh, mom he is still sleeping, I will go wake him, don't worry" jimin said quickly and hurried to upstairs.

Oh God in which room that bastard is staying, I don't know. Now what to do.

Jimin mumbled while walking in the corridor searching for his so called husband's room.

He opened each and every rooms and finally found out a room which is locked. Jimin sighed in relief before knocking the door.

Meanwhile jungkook was sprawled out in the bed, sleeping peacefully but got disturbed by the knockings. Jungkook covered his face with the blanket and slept again but the knockings doesn't appears to be shut down, so he groaned in irritation before getting up and walking towards the door with drowsy eyes looking like a zombie.

Jimin didn't pay attention to the door which is going to open and was kept knocking it while staring at stairs back making sure no one comes, suddenly the door opened and jimin's first ended up in jungkook's nose.

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