chapter one:new place

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My name is devon evans and tomorrow i start my first day of freshman year and im pretty nervous since im not gonna know anybody.I moved here from North Carolina like a week ago so we are still unpacking and getting used to here.Im gonna go to sleep and hope for the best tomorrow.

The next day

I dont wanna go to school ughh.
"Devon wake up!!"i hear my mom yell.
"gimme a minute". I sit up on my bed and scrub my eyes then head over to the bathroom to get ready.When im done i go downstairs to eat breakfast. "are you excited for school" Mom says. "no" I say eating my breakfast bar. "im sure your first day will go great". She turns to look at me and smiles. "i hope it goes great" i tell her. I check the time on my phone and its already 7:40 i need to leave or im going to miss the bus. I get up and put on my bookbag. "bye devon!". I open the door. "Bye". I close the door and walk to the bus stop.

The bus approaches and i get on and get glares from people.This makes me a bit nervous. I sit in a seat in the back that was empty.

Arrive to school

Now this is the part ive been dreading the most.Walking into school. I get off the bus stop and walk in and hear people greeting their friends.For my schedule i have science first and this school is big i don't know where my class

I finally find the class and walk in. "good morning what is your name?" The teacher asks. She looks up at me. "my name is devon evans" I say. "okay devon you will sit in last table in the back on the left. I walked to my table and realized it was assigned seats.5 minutes walk in and i was using my phone i didnt even realize someone sit next to me. "alright class these will be your assigned seats for the rest of the school year i will give you the class period to talk to your partner and people. "hey my name is junior" The boy next to me says. I look up and see him. "oh hey my name is devon".
"so are you new here ive never seen you around" Junior asks. "yeah i just moved from North Carolina to Hackensack a week ago" i say.He looks at me. "cool so im guessing you don't know anybody". "yeah i dont" I sigh. "well you can hang out with me and my friends" He asks. "yeah sure".
I made friends now? That quick woah.
Junior taps me. He points at this blonde haired girl that is seating in the middle of the classroom. "that girl there is lexy and the other girl near her is nadine her best friend" Junior says. He stands up from his chair and tells me to follow him. He goes up to the girls. "hey junior" They both say. "hey guys so this is our new friend devon hes new to hackensack" junior says. The both girls look at me smiling. "so im lexy" The blonde girl says. "And this is nadine". "hi im nadine" The ginger haired girl says. I say hi to both of them and introduce my self and us 4 talk the whole class period.

Turns out me and junior have class together next too. I follow junior since i don't know where these class are at. "wanna sit in the back seat" Junior looks at me and asks.
"yeah". We walk to the back and sit next to each other. A guy walks up to us. "oh devon this is oliver and oliver this is devon hes gonna hang with us". Oliver turns his head to me. "hey" he says. "hi". Oliver goes to a seat near us and sits with one of his friends.
In this class we just talk about introducing our self you know typical first day of school things.The bell rings and its time to go to my other class which i dont have junior in but i have lexy in because i see her when i walk in class. She tells me to come over and sit next to her so i do. "hey hows it been here so far" Lexy asks. "its been great so far thanks to you guys". She smiles at me. "after this we have lunch so make sure to sit with us".
I nod my head. The class we are in is boring the teacher is making us do work on the first day of school he said it was to bring our minds back and prepare for the new school year.Boring!!.

After class

The bell rings hurray!. I pack up my things and me and lexy head out.She grabs my arm and pulls me. "come on lets go to lunch". "you go ahead I'll meet you there i just have to put my stuff in my locker. She nods and whispers bye before leaving.As i was walking i was looking down at the floor and bumped into someone and heard i their things drop. I quickly bend down to help them. "shit sorry my bad" I say. "sorry aswell" He says. I look up and the person i bumped into was this boy hes a bit taller with black curly hair. "its okay" i say. I give him his stuff and head into the cafeteria.

I grab my lunch and see lexy telling me to come so i walk over to the table.She scoots over so i can sit next to her. Everyone greeted me. "welcome to our friend group" Oliver says. "thanks". These people are fun to be around like honestly.During lunch they get to know me and ask questions about me.

Nobody has me for next period so im on my own now. Lexy walks me over to my class since hers is on the way to mine. We both say bye and i head in and i guess i must of been the last one to enter because all the desks were full except for one in particular.I go sit in that one and the person next to me has their head down listening to music with their earphones i can tell by the string. "the person your sitting with will be the person you will sit with for the rest of the year so get to know each other" The history teacher says.I don't think the guy seems to notice what the teacher said so im gonna take matter into my own. "hey im devon". I turn to face him. He looks up.That's when i realize it's the same boy from earlier the one i bumped into. "hey im jake" He says. "We bumped into each other earlier right?" I say.
"oh yeah i never knew you were a freshman are you new here". Jake asks. "yeah but isn't everybody new here though since its our first day of high school?" I ask. "well yeah but mostly every freshman here were in the same middle school as me and the ones who are new are ones who went to another middle school" Jake explains. "i actually am new here i just moved to hackensack a week ago i used to live in North Carolina" I say.
"i thought you were like a sophomore since i never saw you in other classes i had". I ask jake. "what classes have you had yet?" Jake asks. I think. "I had science first then english and then math". "oh i had math first then science then english" He says. "cool uhh what class do you have next". "i have gym" Jake sighs. "same i gave gym as well".

The bell rings and i head out.

I find junior lexy and nadine and they have gym as well so i follow them.Junior opens the door to this big gym.Woah. I spot the gym teacher and he's really tall and fit. "so today for your very first gym class im gonna explain some rules and after you will get to do whatever you want then the next time i see yall we will do whatever i pick to do got it". Many people in the room started talking with their friends and so did i. "how was last period on your own" Nadine asked. "it was okay". "how was your first day overall" Lexy asked. "Overall it was better than i expected to be honest" I said. It was true what i said tho because i started the day with no friends and not knowing anyone and now i have a friend group. That's the thing i liked about moving.When your in a new state or school no one knows nothing about you or who you are.

The rest of gym class we just hung out and talked.Until it was time to go home.

Getting on the bus i hadn't realized junior was in my bus until I saw him. "i didn't know u were on this bus i didn't see you in the morning" I ask. "oh i was car rider this morning". "oh that explains why". As me and junior are talking i notice jake is in this bus to. I turn back to junior and talk to him until its time for me to get off. When i walk in the house i hear my mom. "how was school devon" She asks. "it was actually better than i expected,i made friends" I say. She smiles and hugs me. "Im so happy for you honey". "thanks ima go to my room" I tell her.I went to my room and layed down looking at the ceiling.Today has been a very long first day of school.

note: hey this is the first chapter i hope you all enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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