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~ Annie's POV ~
I was walking towards my best friend's class. I'm just standing there waiting for her to come out so we can go get some lunch off campus together.

The bell finally rang. I saw a few students in front of her. I look at her and wave, and she waves back, too. " Hey, ready to get something to eat? " I asked. Kayi is a type of girl that you can manipulate because she is naive and clueless at times. " Yeah, let's go," she said, walking outside to my car.

We walk out of the school, heading to my car.

I insert my car keys into the door, turned my keys, and the driver door unlocks. I opened the door, got in, and unlocked the passenger door. Kayi gets in and closes the door. I closed my door.

I lock all the doors, put my phone in the cupholder, and insert my key into the ignition. I twisted the key, the car started, and I shifted the gear to drive. I backed my car into the parking space.

I turned the radio on and the heat because it's a little chilly.

I drive out of campus and head to Chipotle. I turn and look at Kayi. " So, how do you like it at Paradis so far? " I asked, making a right turn and drove straight for 6 minutes. Then I made a left, and then another left and drove straight for the rest of 4 minutes.

Seeing Chipotle in my view, I get in the left lane and turn my blinker on. Waiting for the light to turn green. " Um, it's alright. Besides the boys trying to flirt with me. " She said. I nodded. " What are their names? " I said, turning left and pulled into Chipotle, drove to their drive-thru.

~ Chipotle's Drive-thru ~
I pull up to the speaker, waiting for the person on the other end to take my order. " Um, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein and Eren Yeager? I think. " She says. " Eren Jaeger. " I laughed and rolled my window down. She nodded and pulled her phone out.

" Hi, Welcome to Chipotle. What would you like to order? " He person asked. I hummed and looked at the menu. " Hi, can I get 2 burritos. One of them with chicken, rice, corn, lettuces, cheese, beans, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole. Can I get extra sour cream? " I said. He said yes. " The other burrito, I want steak, rice, cheese, lettuce, corn, salsa, sour cream. " I says. " Alright, anything else you would like? " He asked. " Can I get 2 bowls. Both with chicken, rice, lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole on the side. Please. " I said. " What will your drink be? " He asked. " 2 sprites and 2 water bottles. " I said. " Okay! You want 2 burritos. One with chicken, guacamole, and extra sour cream, the other with 2 water bottles and 2 bowls with chicken and guacamole on the side with 2 sprites. Is that correct? " He asked. " Yes. " I say, looking at the order. " Okay, that will be $23.10 dollars. Move up to the first window, please. " He said.

I roll my window up and drive to the first window.

~ First Window ~
I put the car in the park and rolled my window down. The guy comes to the window, slides it open, and I grab my wallet and pull out my card. " Hello, it will be $23.10 dollars, please. " He said. I hand him my card, and he takes and swipes it.

He waited for a few seconds and then gave me my card back. I take it and put it back in my wallet.

He prints out the receipt and gives it to me. I take it and thank him. I drive to the second window.

~ Second Window ~
I parked the car and waited for someone to bring me my food. A girl comes to the window and slides it open.

She hands me the bag, then the drinks. I take it and hand them Kayi. She takes the bag and puts it on the floor. I placed the sprites in the cupholders. I moved my phone before I came to the second window.

I pulled out of Chipotle and drove back to school.

~ Outside Cafeteria ~
I was sitting with Kayi until Armin came up and sat on the other side of her. I glare at him, and he smirks. " So, you are Kayi? " he asked. Then Eren came as well. Jean, Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha came. I turned to see Kayi looking uncomfortable, so I told her to sit on my right side since that is the end table. " Yes, my name is Kayi. Nice to meet you. " she said, bowing and going back to eating her food. " So, why are you guys sitting outside at our table? " I asked.

" We just wanna get to know the new girl. " Eren replies, staring at her. She moves a little closer to me. I make to block their view. " Stop staring at her. She's uncomfortable. " I glare at him. He got up and walked around me and kneeled down and looked at her. " You're beautiful. What's your name? " Eren asked. " Finger Kayi. " She says, going back to her food. He nodded and walked to sit in front of her. " That's a beautiful name. " He said. She nods and gets up to throw her trash away. " I'm heading back to the dormitory. I'll see you there, Annie. " She said, then left quickly.

" What the hell! " I yelled. Armin looks at me. " Kayi is very shy around new people. You'll need to take your time with her. It took me 7 months. " I said, getting up and going to throw my trash away. " If you wanna talk to her. You're gonna have to be patient with her. " I say, walking back to the dormitory.

~ In The Dormitory ~
Eren's POV:
I am sitting in the living room, doing my homework along with Kayi sitting away from me. I looked up and saw her listening to music while doing her work. I quickly grabbed my phone and took 3 pictures without the flash.

I put my phone away and continued doing the work.

A minute later, Armin walks in and sits next to me. I moved my books and made room for his. " Why is she sitting over there? " He asked. I shrugged. " Oh, Myia wanted me to tell you that she's coming by in 10 minutes. " He responded. I nodded and finished doing my class work. " Why is she coming by? " I asked, packing my things up. " She wanted to see you. Said that she misses you so bad. " He said. I groan and get up to grab my keys that are in the room.

I walked back out, headed to the door to put my shoes on. Armin puts his jacket and shoes on. " WingStop or Pizza? " I asked. " Um, pizza. Are you buying? " he said. I nodded. Mikasa comes with Kayi behind her. I looked at Armin and smirked. He smirked as well. " Alright! Let's go. " I say, walking to my car.

~ At My Car ~

I insert my keys, twisted it, and opened it

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I insert my keys, twisted it, and opened it. I got in and pressed the unlocked button. Kayi was about to get in the back until Armin said something. " Why don't you sit in the front? He won't bite. " He said. I laughed and closed my door.

She nods and gets up front. She puts her seat belt on and leaned back into the seat.

I put my seat belt and started the car, shifted the gear to reverse. I backed out and drove off to get pizza.

A/n: I hope you like the prolouge.
I will try my best to post Chapter 1 someday next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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