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| PROLOGUE |——————————

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MALEFICENT BARATHEON WAS THE heir of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. The rightful heir to the throne, King Robert's only living legitimate child. She was born four years after her elder brother, Joffrey Baratheon. Why hadn't Cersei drunk the Moon Tea? She was asleep when impregnated, then cleaned up to hide any evidence. For she only realized that she was with child after 6 moons, her youngling was quite the late shower.

When she was born, she was born silent. No cries could be heard, they thought that she had died. But it turned out to be a vile trick when she seemed to let out a giggle once she heard her mother begin screaming again before bursting into loud cries. Those cries would be the last cries heard from the baby girl. At least— the last cries that Cersei would hear.

Each night, Tyrion Lannister would awake to hold the blonde princess in his arms. She never stopped crying in his arms, only seeming to spit or throw up all over him each time. Tyrion took that as a note as if it was an early sign that she wouldn't accept him either. Just as everyone else. But he never let go, even when he cleaned her vomit from his neck, he'd hold her in his arms.

One very late night when Joffrey Baratheon was fifteen years old and Maleficent was ten years old, he took his younger sister out into Kings Landing. This was the young girl's first time out of the castle in her mere years of life. Joffrey had a tight grip on his sister's hand, not because of fear, but he wanted to make sure everyone knew that she was his.

"Joffrey? Shouldn't we go back to the Red Keep now? Mother may look for me." Maleficent quietly asked as Joffrey pulled the little girl into an extremely dark and empty alleyway after buying a goblet of wine.

"Mother won't look for you, Maleficent. Not to worry." He whispered. Maleficent knew something was wrong when her older brother placed his hands on her small hips and pressed her against the wall.

"Joff?" She squeaked out before he lifted the dirty goblet to her pink lips. She opened her mouth and allowed him to pour all of the wine down her throat, a couple of drops sliding down the corner of her lips. Maleficent reached up to wipe it off, but Joffrey only grabbed hold of her hand and leaned forward. "Mm— no." Was all that was muffled as Joffrey pressed his lips firmly to her and licked the excess liquid off. Maleficent eyes watered, she had never kissed a boy. Was she with child now? Tis what Uncle Jamie had always told her.

"Just be good." Joffrey mumbled as he reached to untie the front of her dress in order to press his face into her bare breasts.

The next morning, Maleficent ran all the way to her uncles. "Uncles!" Her soft voice rang through their ears, immediately sitting down their goblets to look back at their niece.

"Yes, Sugarplum?" Jaime hummed, grabbing her and attempting to place her on his lap.

"No!" She pouted, swatting his hand. Jaime and Tyrion shared worried looks, "I have a very important question to ask..." Both men only stared with wide, terrified eyes. "How does one get pregnant?"

Jaime choked, coughing and patting his chest as his eyes almost bulged out of his head. "Why? Do you know anyone who believes that they are pregnant?" Tyrion hurriedly asked, but when the eleven-year-old did not reply, he felt all blood drain from his face. "You? How? Why?" He shouted in shock.

"I don't know!" She yelled back, crossing her arms and stomping.

Suddenly, Joffrey appeared from nowhere and wrapped an arm around his little sister. "What might be going on over here?" He smiled, looking over at her. He had to take a double take upon seeing tears flowing down her cheeks, "Poor girl." He pouted, kissing her tears away. And that's when they knew. But did they really know?

"Joffrey has spilled his seed inside of Maleficent." Tyrion yelled upon entering his sister's bedchambers alongside Jaime.

She immediately slapped him across the face, "You will keep your tone down." Was all she said. "Little girls can simply not be with child after her older brother kisses her, I think we all know that. I do not appreciate rumors to even be thought up about my daughter." Cersei snarled in a hushed tone as if the female lion was threatening the male lion. "My heir is pure and unsoiled, if anyone were to hear of such blasphemous claims, her future would be destroyed down deep in the seas."

A year later...How were they supposed to know that this would start a list of things in Maleficent's life? Such as drinking and drinking herself away like King Aegon the Second, sneaking out with her brother, and sitting quietly on her own after being verbally and physically punished by her mother each time. But no time, nor any punishment could keep Maleficent Baratheon from doing as she pleased. No brutal slap to the face, no rude words, nothing. But I guess you could say that her mother trained her well. She had even been struck by her father more than twice, just as her older brother had been.

"Has anyone ever seen Ned Starks bastard?" Maleficent innocently asked, hoping for an ogre upon seeing Jon Snow. After all, Joffrey had said that all bastards were as ugly as the King's ass.

"I'm positive that they have." Cersei spoke in a monotone voice.

After a while, Maleficent grew restless. "Oh, for I cannot wait to meet the other children." Maleficent giggled.

Cersei's face hardened and she leaned forward, grabbing a hold of her twelve year olds face with a tight grip. Maleficent stared into her mother's eyes worriedly, hoping for no slap or harsh words. "Do not do more than you have to, Maleficent. You will greet them, speak when spoken to...only concerning formal topics. But that is it, no-nonsense. You do not want to make friends with anyone that comes from the North." Cersei practically snarled, making sure her daughter understood. When nothing was said, she thought that her daughter had silently agreed.

Pulling away and leaning back in her seat silently as well, until— "That seems silly—..." Maleficent was cut off by a firm slap to the face with all of her mother's might. Her small face whipped to the side, she slowly turned her head to face her mother but kept her head down. Maleficent kept her hands in her lap, kneaded together, despite the burning sensation on her cheek. She knew it would leave a pink mark, only hoping for it to fade before any of the residents in the North got a view of it.

Slowly, she looked up with half-lidded eyes, as if she wanted to kill her own mother. Cersei shifted uncontrollably just before the carriage door was opened.

But who was missing from the trip from the Red Keep to the North? Maleficent's twin.

| Epilogue |

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