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At my bedroom, me and Vino lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and having a conversation.

VIDYA: I never in a million years wished to lay eyes on him again, but it seems like luck just isn't on my side.

I sighed in worried

VINO: It's absolutely mind-boggling! Is that the same Kathir who used to be our classmate? And now he's the mastermind behind 15 companies? Back in college, he didn't give off that vibe at all!

Yes, at college time he doesn't even look like that he can rule the company, he looks that quiet and sad sometimes at college time and I says to Vino

VIDYA: Oh, believe me, I was completely frozen in disbelief when I saw him. He's a whole new person now, with his edgy hairstyles, the innocence wiped off his face, and even a tattoo!

VINO: Hold your horses.

Vino sits up from the bed, snatching my laptop, and proceeds to do a thorough Google search about him.

VINO: Take a look at this.

My eyes are fixed on the laptop screen as Vino reads from a blog.

VINO: The company that was once in 7th place has skyrocketed to the top under his leadership! His full name is Kathiresan Charan, and guess what? His own father is Charan! It's all in the family, I suppose.

I glances at Kathir's father, noticing his youthful appearance and striking features.

VIDYA: Ah, now it all makes sense! That's why Kathir is so devilishly handsome. But wait, do you know anything else about his family background?

VINO: Just a moment.

Vino continues scrolling through the web, as I and Vino delve deeper into the research, but unfortunately, we come up empty-handed. There's no trace of any information about Kathir's family other than him and his father.

VIDYA: How mysterious! What kind of businessman is he? It's strange that he doesn't bother with updating any social media.

How can a business man keep his life private? At least there should have his family photo at any event

While me and Vino were engrossed in their conversation about Kathir, there was a gentle knock on my bedroom door.

VIDYA: Come in!

Sanjay opened the door and entered the room.

SANJAY: Hey Vidya, can you do me a favor?

VIDYA: What's up, Sanjay?

SANJAY: Tomorrow, I need you to send a gift to one of my important clients. I still have some unfinished projects with them, but I promise I'll complete them tomorrow. Can you be there in my place until I arrive? You can decide if you want to stay or leave after I come. Please, Vidya, I really need your help. I've been working all night on this project, and there are just a few things left to finish.

As I know Sanjay hardworking person I agreed to help him, because I notice him since morning that he not stop doing his work on his laptop so I just decided to help him

VIDYA: Alright, send me the address on WhatsApp. Just make sure you don't come too late, or I might struggle to handle it.

SANJAY: Thank you so much, Vidya. You're the best sister ever.

Sanjay pretended to get emotional, but I playfully interrupted him.

VIDYA: You're welcome, but please stop making that face.

Sanjay stuck out his tongue and teased me before leaving the room.

I turned to Vino and asked

VIDYA: Why don't you come with me tomorrow?

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